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I woke up with my arm hanging off the side of the bed. A little uncomfortably, honestly. Aone was still asleep. His hand was positioned almost directly under where mine was hanging. I don't remember falling asleep so I highly doubt we were holding hands, but the thought of holding his hand still caused my face to heat up.

I checked my phone to see two messages from Asahi.

Asahi 🧡🐻
I love you too! 😍😚

Asahi 🧡🐻
Are you still coming today???

You know it! I may be a little late.
I have to take some work by the
school since I won't be there the
day it's due!

I quietly sneak out of Aone's room and find his mom in the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, dear! I was just about to bring your uniform to Aone's room for you!"

"Thank you! If it's alright, I'll go ahead and get changed. I have to stop by my house for a few things so I may leave pretty soon."

"Of course! I can wake Aone up if you'd like so he can walk you."

"Oh no! It's fine! No need for him to miss out on sleep."

I changed, thanked her again for letting me stay and made my way to the train. I decided to send Aone a text since I left before he woke up.

Good morning! Sorry I left so early.
I have to pick up some things from home. Oh! And I won't be in class for the next few days! See you later!

I wasn't entirely sure why I felt so bad about leaving before actually seeing him. It's not like we've known each other very long.

Once I got to my house, I slipped in knowing my dad and sister were probably still asleep and Mom probably already left for work. I went up to my room and grabbed my volleyball club jacket and some comfortable casual clothes. I decided not to change yet since I was going to go to the school first and then head to the city gym to meet up with my boys!

I threw a few extra outfits in an overnight bag and sent Mom a text that I was going to spend the night with Asahi for a couple of nights.

The train ride to school was actually a little awkward. This was technically the first day I had walked to school on my own. But I did at least remember the way!

Once I made it to the school, I found the teachers' lounge and just lucked out that my teacher was there!

"Good morning, sensei! I just wanted to turn in the project Aone and I were working on. I won't actually be in class the next few days and didn't want Aone's grade to get marked down for a late assignment that we completed on time."

"Oh! Thank you, (y/n). That is very thoughtful of you."

"Have a good day!"

I bowed and made my way out of the school. Somehow I completely forgot that Aone was on the volleyball team at Date Tech. I was just so excited about seeing all of my friends that I practically skipped all the way to the train.

Aone's POV

(Y/n) had left before I woke up. Why didn't she wait to walk to school with me?

Were we still holding hands when she woke up and she freaked out? I mean I can't blame her. Holding hands with someone other than her boyfriend isn't really something I could see her being comfortable with.

Wait. Just. A. Minute. WE HELD HANDS PRACTICALLY ALL DAY YESTERDAY IN CLASS!!! If that didn't bother her why would it bother her later. Was it because we were at my house not in school?

As my confusion grew, my phone buzzed on my desk, catching my attention. It was a text from (y/n).

(Y/n)-cutie 😊🐰
Good morning! Sorry I left so early.
I have to pick up some things from home. Oh! And I won't be in class for the next few days! See you later!


Won't be in class? I mean, I won't either but why is she not? Is she attempting to avoid me? Did she get sick last night? I don't think she got that wet in the rain last night, maybe she has a weaker immune system than I thought.

Ok. See ya!

As I made my way off the train I looked up to see a grinning (y/n) skipping down the stairs. She looked so excited to not be going to school. Part of me wanted to call out and ask her where she was going. Before I got the chance though she boarded a train. It wasn't the one back to her house though.

Accepting that it isn't any of my business, I made my way to school. At least I knew she wasn't sick.

Most of the team hadn't arrived yet. We would be leaving from here to go to the city gym for the Interhigh Preliminaries. I had been going to ask (y/n) if she wanted to come cheer for us but since she has a boyfriend I'm really glad I didn't find a chance.

"Aww, why so serious Aone. Did your girlfriend not walk to school with you today?"


"You're no fun, Aone. Give us details! What happened? She went home with you after school right? The storm got pretty bad! Something had to have happened!"


I could feel my ears warming up. If they didn't give up soon my whole head would probably explode. They didn't have to know that I had the best and worst night of my life. They would just get worried that I couldn't focus. Which would shake their focus. It's best to just pretend that last night doesn't exist and make sure we win all of our games today. I had to be strong. I am the Iron Wall after all! I have to protect my team!

We arrived at the gym and were making our way through the halls to warm-ups. A lot of teams were already here. Voices filled the halls, and comments floated around about many different people. Individuals pointed out for their skill and notoriety or, in some cases, their lack there of.

As we were nearing the door of the gym. A team in all black uniforms walked in front of us. Karasuno.

All at once it clicked! Asahi! That was the name that setter kept calling out when we played them last! Asahi! The ace of Karasuno! I pointed at him without thinking. This was my competition. This was (y/n)'s boyfriend!

As my team captain made apologies and turned us around to walk another way there was only one thought running through my head.

We will crush them again!

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