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Aone and I held hands for the majority of classes this morning. At lunch he left without saying much. Sawako had asked me to eat with her, so I had agreed. Aone seemed a little disappointed by my answer because he let go of my hand not long after. But he didn't really say anything, so I'm probably just reading too much into it.

Why am I sad he let go of my hand?

"(L/n)-san? Are you okay? You haven't really eaten much of your bento?"

"Oh, sorry, Sawako. Just a little distracted. And you can call me (y/n). I keep thinking everyone is talking to my older brother hearing (l/n) all the time!"

"Ha ha! OK!! So did you know Aone before moving here?"

"No, we just met yesterday. Why?"

"Wow, ok! I never thought I'd see him hold hands with anyone much less someone he just met! But you two are so cute together!"

My face warmed as I realized she had probably seen us the whole time! Just like when we passed the notes back and forth yesterday!

"Oh! I-it's not like that! Aone is just really nice and was being friendly!"

"It's ok! We've all had a crush on him at some point but he really is the Iron Wall of Date Tech! Ha ha!"

Iron wall? Isn't that what Asahi had said had been their downfall? It can't be Aone though, right?

The bell rang in the end of lunch and beginning of afternoon classes. I kept stealing glances at Aone throughout the day.

I should really ask him what team he's on! But won't Asahi be mad if I become friends with THE Iron Wall?? No! He would be happy that I even made a friend, but he would definitely be cold if we all hung out? Would we ever all hang out?

My concentration was broken by a large hand waving in my face, Aone eyeing me with concern.

Oops! I got caught staring!

"Sorry! I zoned out for a second there."

"I noticed. I was asking about our project. If you don't mind waiting until after practice we can work on it at my house today."

"Umm, yeah! That's fine. Should I wait in here or the library?"

"No, just follow me."

Aone led me through the building just like yesterday, but instead of breaking off and walking away I followed him all the way to the gym. We walked over to some bleachers off to the side. He pointed towards an area a little off to the left, so I assumed that's where I should sit. He left his school bag with me and walked off, presumably, to change.

Now this was something I knew. Sitting on the side of a volleyball court! I had already decided to distract myself with homework as much as possible so that I didn't compare my old friends with this new-to-me team! Just focus elsewhere and wait patiently for practice to end. That's the plan!

As I waited a few guys clambered into the gym. I heard their conversation pause and then pick back up but this time it was muffled. I waited for the inevitable. I didn't have to wait long, of course. A boy with brown hair that gently swooped across his face approached me.

"Hi there, you here to watch your crush practice?"

I blushed at the thought of Aone as my crush.

I mean it's not impossible!

"N-no! I-it's not like that! Just a friend! We have a group project, so I'm waiting on him for that!"

I could feel my whole head gradually getting warmer! I'm pretty sure we could have fried an egg on my face!

Just then someone cleared their throat behind the boy. I lean around to see if someone has come to rescue me from the awkward situation or make it worse with more questions.

Thank goodness! It's just Aone!

Aone POV

When I finished changing and made my way back to the gym I saw the majority of the team huddled together casting quick glances over toward the bleachers.

Of course (y/n) is drawing their attention! She's cute after all.

I look over to see Futakuchi propped up next to (y/n) with a smirk plastered across his face. I don't know what he said to her but she's waving her hands back and forth and blushing like crazy! I felt a tight bubble form in my chest. If I didn't know any better I would say it was jealousy.

But there's nothing to be jealous of!

I quietly make my way to the bleachers and clear my throat. (Y/n)'s face pops around Futakuchi's shoulder and she smiles at me.

Man I like her smile!



"Alright, alright. I'm going."

Futakuchi raises his hands in mock defeat and walks off, but not before shooting me a knowing smirk. I ignored him and looked back at (y/n). She didn't really meet my eyes and her cheeks were still tinted pink.


"I better go warm-up."

"O-ok! I-I'll be here! Ha ha!"

She sounded nervous and I was about to ask her about it when the captain called me over!

Right! I'm supposed to be practicing!

All throughout practice I tried to keep my focus on the drills but I kept stealing glances over toward the bleachers. I hope it's my imagination but (y/n) seems to be trying really hard not to watch.

Does she just have no interest in volleyball? Or no interest in me?

The more I let that thought loop around my head the worse my blocks got. Takehito even broke through to score! Maybe letting (y/n) watch wasn't the best idea. It's ok! We'll probably finish the project up today and just tweak it a little during class. Then I will be able to keep practice and (y/n) separate and focus!

We wrapped up practice a little early with my teammates and our coaches sending me slightly worried glances.

"Don't worry too much guys. He's just a little distracted by his brown-eyed beauty over there."

I sent a glare to Futakuchi but he just laughed it off.

"Go on! Don't you have a study date to get to?"

Is that what this is? Does this count as a study date? Does (y/n) think of this as a date too?

I felt my hopes rise as I skipped changing out of my workout clothes and made my way over to the aforementioned beauty. I couldn't stop the grin spreading across my face.

"Ready for our study date, (y/n)?"

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