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Two months. It has been two months since Aone and I went on our date.
I joined the cooking club at school. I decided not to become the manager of the volleyball team because it kind of felt like I was betraying my boys!

I have gotten to know most of Aone's team though, they are all really nice, to me at least. They act a lot like a family and aren't quite as chaotic as Karasuno but I think we will be good friends.

I still go to the occasional of Karasuno weekend practice, not all, but Asahi will always be my best friend so I use every excuse I can to see him and the rest of the team!

Noya finally just asked Asahi out! I was so happy that I got to witness it because it was priceless! I could see the gears in Asahi's head stop working for a full ten seconds!

We have decided to have a double date and I'm a little nervous.

Aone and I hang out outside of school pretty much every weekend but we haven't been on another date and I'm not completely sure what we are. I asked if we could get to know each other but didn't specifically ask him to be my boyfriend. So, yeah!

Part of me wants to wait and let him ask me, but the other part is screaming why wait for him to make a move when I am perfectly capable of asking him. But truth be told, I'm not capable! I am entirely too chicken to ask him!

But now we have a date planned for next weekend. And we are calling it a date! An actual date!

Maybe I should ask to make it "official" before next weekend.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked around to find Aone grinning at me.

"Are you still coming over after school?"



He seemed to hesitate before turning around and walking out of the classroom. I'm assuming to practice.

I made my way to the club room. Joining the cooking club meant that I had an excuse to wait and walk with Aone after school.

I'm gonna do it! Before I go home tonight, I'll ask him!

Aone's POV

As I walked out of the classroom and smacked my forhead. I had to physically stop myself from kissing (y/n) on the cheek before I left. We aren't technically together yet. So I can't just go around kissing her! Even just on the cheek!

But I have a plan to change that! Since we are going on a double date with her friends next weekend I want to ask her to officially be my girlfriend today. That way we have this weekend and all next week to go on one or two dates, just the two of us, before the double date.

I would have asked her sooner but I was afraid that I was pushing her. But then she brought up the idea of the double date so that I could actually meet her best friend and I figured that was a good enough sign!

I swear practice went by slower than usual! We didn't stay late but everything seemed to last for ages before we would move on to the next task. When we were finally finished I changed quickly and walked out to see (y/n) sitting under a tree near the school gates. I didn't even try to stop the smile that spread across my face!

"Ready to go?"


"How did club go?"

Conversation flowed easily back and forth between us on the way to my house. Once we got there we dropped off our bags before I pulled (y/n) back out of the house almost immediately and we started walking to the park. It's not the same park that we went to on our date but it will work. I wanted to go back to the same park but to do that I'd have to wait until tomorrow because it's just a little too far to walk and I have decided I don't want to wait anymore.

I walked over to the swings and (y/n) followed me grinning. I figured out she likes the swings. We somehow always seem to end up in a park on the swings just talking everytime we hang out.

"I swear this has been the longest week ever!"

"Really? Why?"

"Probably because I'm excited to hang out with Asahi and Noya next weekend! Which just means next week will go even slower!"

"Ha ha! Yeah, about that."

She looked at me with her head slightly cooked to the side.

"Is something wrong? Do you not want to go anymore?"

"No I definitely still want to go, there's just something I want to do first."

"And that would be?"

I took a deep breath and looked into her big brown eyes.

"I want to ask you......something."

WHAT!!!! Don't just say that! Actually ask!!!

"Ha ha! Ok, ask away!"

"Right! Ummm.....(Y/n), will you, umm, will you go out with me? Like for real? As in officially? Boyfriend and girlfriend?"

I couldn't stop. Words just kept tumbling out of my mouth. I was going to have to shove a cork in my mouth to stop the flow if this didn't end soon.

Luckily, (y/n) knocked some sense into me. Or maybe just the air out of me as she basically tackled me in a hug.


Oh thank God!

"Were you nervous or something? Your heart is beating really fast and your face is probably the reddest I have ever seen it."

"Yeah, I was super nervous!"

I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck at being called out.

"That's so cute! You really are a big softie!"

"But I'm your big softie, right?"

"Yeah, you're definitely my big softie!"

My Big Softie (Aone × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now