Part6: One giant secret (back to Rins pov.)

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I hurried and parked my bike near where I sat last night . It wasn't there. I kept telling myself it's okay, I started to put my hair up when I heard the sounds of bike coming towards me.
Without even thinking I chained my bike up, I knew it was probably the boys. So I wasn't to worried but still I had lost my book I don't need someone taking my bike. " Hello Rin." The mullet boy said. "Im david " He chuckled his grin turning into a more serious look.
" I believe this is yours ." He said as he held out my book. " oh my god, where did you find it? I've been looking for this everywhere!" I sighed with relief that I had it back." Hey Marko, doesn't look familiar?" Paul said as he pointed to the bike behind me. " yeah it does, it looks just like....." David looked back before before he  could finish. " Rin I think we need to have a talk." The way David said it I could tell it wasn't going to be good.
I looked over at Dwayne who hasn't said anything , I could tell he knew something was up. "Okay let's talk." I said. "Not here Rin, something's are better off being said in private. Don't want random people listening in." David gave me a look and looked over to a comic book store. I looked back at him unchained my bike, got on and said where to?
"Follow  us sweetheart." Paul said as they took off.
  I could barley keep up with them, I didn't know where they were taking me, and honestly I didn't want to know. The scenery started it look familiar, and before I could even say anything we were back at the cliff.
     I made my way down the stairs David was in front of me and the rest of the boys were behind me. It was dark it must have been around 11 . The stairs needed a major upgrade. I felt like they could break at any second. I could see a light up ahead and the closer we got I could make out an entrance. The cave was filled with books, music posters empty beer bottles and it had a giant poster of Jim Morrison hanging on the wall. I thought to myself I wonder if they would notice if I took it.
David sat down in a wheelchair. " so this where you guys live? It's kinda dirty." I said as I looked around
"Your book, where did you get it?" David asked curiously. " I got it on my birthday when I was a teenager, why the interest in my book?"I asked as I sat down on one of the couch's. " there's a name in your book...." I cut him off " you opened and looked in my book!" I said angrily "I was curious, but the name.... How do I put this the name Star, who is she?" David said cocking his head to the side.
      " Well that's my birth mother, she use to live here, well her family did. I don't know anything about her. I didn't even meet her till I was 20. She was in a loony bin. She kept telling me these wild stories, about this place. That's who I inherited the house from." I took a breath and continued to tell them what I knew. "All her stories consisted of vampires, and all the evil that this place contains."
   " so your Stars daughter, do you have a picture of her?" Paul said as he sat down next to me. I flipped open the book to the very last page, I hid the picture I drew of her at the very back of the book. I showed Paul, he jumped up and ran to David.
" look it is her."
We sat in silence for what seemed like forever, when David finally spoke. " what Star" he paused , "your mother said is true. They weren't just stories from a crazy women. Vampires are real, and your looking at some right now." I started to laugh uncontrollably " you expect me to believe that? Honestly, are you sure your not crazy?" Dwayne looked over at Marko then back to me, I looked over at Marko and his face was evil almost demon like , his eyes were a golden yellow instead of brown, his teeth weren't normal they had fangs. I jumped up and screamed " holy shit!! What the actual fuck?" I turned towards David he just sitting there laughing like a manic, all I kept thinking was screw my book how am I going to get out of this place.

The Lost girl. By s.sWhere stories live. Discover now