Part 28:New york city (Rins pov)

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Warning time jump. ( but not by much.)

I woke up in a hospital apparently someone found me on the side of the road. I knew my name Rin Emerson. I didn't remember how I got here. " well Rin todays the day you get to leave. All your scans came back normal, all your blood work came back normal." The nurse said. " I get to leave?" I asked she smiled at me. " where am I gonna go? I have no money, no car that I know of." I stated. She looked at me and said someone claimed me but they had to have proof that they knew me they couldn't just walk in and take me. She told me of the meds I would have to take for a while.
A man walked through the doorway. " Hi Rin, I'm your Uncle Sam I'm here to take you home." Where's home?" I asked He said you'll see. The nurse nudged him and handed him a pen I grabbed my belongings that I had aquired since I've been here. It's been 22 days since I woke up. I started asking as soon as we got to the car.
"How old am I?" I asked . "Right now 21, tomorrow is your birthday." We drove for what seems like forever before stopping and getting gas. We drove all through the night. I ended up falling asleep and Sam woke me up. " Hey kid we're almost there." I woke up rubbing my eyes. Where's there?" I asked. I must have slept through the whole day again since the sun was already setting. " Santa Carla, there's a few things I need to tell you before we get to the house."He was very vague with what he told me. I didn't understand any of it.
Sam pulled into a drive way the house was huge there were no lights on only lit candles. " getting my bag out of the car we walked in. I saw this black cat walk up to me . " does he have a name?" Sam said no he doesn't. " I think I'll name him emerald."
"Why don't you get cleaned up, I have some running to do. Oh there's also a boardwalk it's not far from here you can take the bike if you want it parked by the big tree and happy birthday ." I said okay as I walked down a hallway to a bedroom, it looked like it could be mine I started going through the clothes. I couldn't decide on what to wear. Jeans and a black t shirt would have to do. I found a lather jacket hidden in the back of the closest and put it on.
As I made my way to the bike I felt like I knew how to get to the boardwalk. I stopped at the edge of the woods. I saw three bikes laying on the ground, then I saw some stairs. I looked out over the water and had this urge to go down the stairs. I turned the bike off and made my way down. I took one last look seeing nothing but darkness.. the sun has finally gone down for the day. I hurried down the stairs. Follow the path way and entered a giant cave. There was pictures and books all over one picture caught my eye it was hanging right next to an old wheelchair.
I heard a shuffling noise coming from behind me, I turned to see what it was. It was a guy with long dark hair and tan skin. He looked up at me and dropped the book he had in his hand. " Rin!" He said curiously. " uh yeah. Do I know you?" I asked . He told me to wait right where I was. I should have ran but I felt like I could trust him like I knew him some how.
He came back but this time with two others were with me they were blonde. One curly hair guy and and the other with straight blonde hair. "I don't believe it. It's you, your really back." The curly haired boy jumped over and hugged me. " We have to go get David!" " come with us!" The darker haired guy said. Before I knew it we were running up the stairs. " get on." He said . I did as he said. He never answered my question. We sped off towards all these pretty lights, this must be the board walk Sam had been talking about. We parked and they shut off their bikes. The whole time the curly haired boy held my hand. We made our way through the crowd when we stopped. " DAVID!" The curly blonde said. I didn't know who he was even looking at. But then I saw a guy with unnatural blonde hair waking towards us.
He looked familiar, his expression was as if he'd seen a ghost from his past. He stopped right in front of me. He grabbed me and and pulled me into his arms, he stoked my hair then he kissed me.
It all came back to me, who they were what they were. All the memories flooded into my head like a dam gate bursting open. He pulled away. I stared at his face remembering every inch of his face, every scar and his blue eyes. " David?" " Rin." I turned around to see the boys smiling . " boys?" They started to lunge towards me.
I could feel that final piece that I had been missing since I first woke up at the hospital. " How did I end up in New York?" I said punching Mario's arm. " David's idea, he knew if we kept waiting and you had some underlying medical issue going on you wouldn't have made it. Plus modern medicine has its perks. We knew where you were but we just couldn't see you. Hoping one day you woke up and came back home." Dwayne said.
" well doll let's go have some fun." Paul said excitedly. " how about we hold off on the fun for the night." David said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

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