009. kiwi cravings

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Holly sighed loudly, "Mr Schue I hate to be that girl

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Holly sighed loudly, "Mr Schue I hate to be that girl. But this is killing my neck, I can't cope with it when I am- in case you forgot, nineteen weeks pregnant. So can I sit it out? Pretty please-" she explains.

Quinn nodding her head in agreement, Mr Schue looked between the two pregnant blondes and saw the exhaustion, "of course girls. I'm sorry, I didn't you know- consider that."

Both pregnant girls sighed in relief as they collapsed into the two plastic chairs they vacated and held onto each other's hands. Before the group could continue Mason walked in carrying two drinks, and a bag of snacks each.

Handing the green drink too Holly which was a kiwi and apple smoothie and the yellow drink to Quinn, which was a mango and passion fruit smoothie he checked each bag before handing each girl the correct snacks.

He kissed Holly's cheek and bump, and kissed Quinn's temple before leaving- not speaking to any one but the two girls and sharing pleasantries with Noah, Mike, Matt, Niall and Finn.

"Um," Mercedes began pointing at the girls before she just dropped the subject, everyone else doing the same as the girls drank their smoothies.

Holly was curled up against Mason as he kept a hand on her bump and one running through her blonde hair as the two watched a film on the couch.

The door being knocked was heard and Quinn got up and checked who it was and was surprised to see her ex boyfriend, "Finn?" She asks questioningly, Finn nodded "can I talk to you?" He asks softly and the green eyed blonde nodded.

Leading Finn to her bedroom, "I'm sorry it's just I thought you didn't want to see me," Quinn admitted softly as she sat on her large bed. Finn following suit, "hi" she offers and he sent her a lopsided grin.

"Hey," he says softly, "I have done a lot of thinking. It hurt, knowing you slept with my best friend. Let alone, that you are having a baby with him. I was hurt and angry, but now I have had time. I'm not those things anymore," he said with a soft smile.

"What are you now?" Quinn questions biting her lip softly and looking into Finn's eyes directly.

"Disappointed that the baby isn't mine," he admitted with a sad smile. "I know you were scared, and was thinking of giving the baby up for adoption. But I so wanted to have this baby with you," he adds with a soft wistful smile.

"I never truly considered what you wanted when you still thought the baby was yours, I only considered the best options for me. Which was either adoption or me aborting the baby" Quinn admitted, "I never did want to go through with either, and wanted to be a mom. I just didn't see how it could have been a possibility," she clarified. "Not with my dad..." she trailed off and Finn nodded. "I am sorry Finn about lying to you, it was so unfair and cruel to you," she added.

"It's nice to hear you say that," Finn states and Quinn nodded, "why did you lie Quinn?"

Quinn took a deep breath, "shame, guilt?" She said, "I was ashamed of myself for allowing myself to be in a situation where I was pregnant. And, I guess in a way I thought if I could play it off like you were the dad it would remove some of that shame. I did not, and would never have cheated on you but I was so disgusted with myself that I went out of my way to hurt you by sleeping with your best friend when we were on a break, that I hoped by denying that Noah was the dad it would mean I could forget I did that."

"But letting me believe I would be a dad?"

"Was cruel, and manipulative and nothing I could ever do will make up for that. I can only apologise Finn, for doing that to you."

Finn nodded, "I forgive you" he said softly and the blonde looked at him questioningly, "I understand your reasons and I forgive you."

"How could you ever forgive me Finn? For doing that to you," Quinn says a tone of pure confusion.

"I love you," he said simply and Quinn blinks a few times, "I love you and I guess because I love you I'm able to forgive you. I want to be with you Quinn, and I know Puck is now completely involved in your life and you will be connected to him forever, but I want to be with you Quinn" he says firmly.

"Are you sure? Because you can't turn around and blame me for things. If we do this, we start fresh and everything that has happened in the past is forgotten and can not be used against each other."

"I'm sure," Finn nods, "I want to be with you."

Quinn nods and Finn kisses her softly before the two hugged each other, Finn tucking Quinn's head under his chin.

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