027. pepper potts

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Holden walked into Glee with Rachel, "so we have a substitute teacher now?" The blonde clarifies

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Holden walked into Glee with Rachel, "so we have a substitute teacher now?" The blonde clarifies. In the first Glee meeting of the week Mr Schue was clearly out of it, and so he was now off sick and Glee had been cancelled until Mr Schue was back, because no teacher in McKinley was willing to cover Glee.

"Yeah, Kurt found her. I think he said her name was Miss Holliday?" Rachel says as the pair walk into the choir room, within seconds of stepping into the room Mike was by Holden's side moving her, and Noah was doing the same for Rachel. "What are you doing?" Rachel asks.

Puck sent her a soft smile, "the floor has butter on it. We wouldn't want you to fall and hurt yourself Princess," he responds and Holden caught a soft blush as Rachel sat between him and Quinn.

Holden happily fell into her seat next to Mike and sat leaning against him and threw her legs onto Sam who rolled his eyes her antics but didn't push them away.

As Kurt came in he dramatically pointed at Holden, "you. Why did you give Sebastian my number?" He asks and Holden smiled innocently, "he asked for it."

Kurt rolled his eyes at that answer, "your a nightmare. A fucking menace," he said as he dropped into a seat, "Kurt, Seb liked you. He met you, and actually found you interesting and has now taken it upon himself to be a second brother to you. Take it, he's a good guy and very protective. Plus he was telling me that guy Blaine totally was checking you out," Holden says and Kurt blushed.

"He's coming over for food tonight, he wants to meet my family" Kurt mentioned offhandedly. "Meeting the parents already, Blaine moves fast" Holden teases and Kurt turned in his chair to stare at the blonde with a raised brow that made her bite back a laugh.

"Sebastian," Kurt stated.

Holden nodded seriously, "I'm surprised he hasn't been over yet. I mean you met him two weeks ago? Seb has been itching to help you explain everything," she says and Kurt nods.

"Yeah," he says softly, "he's a good brother" was the even softer response that only a few picked up on.

Before the conversation could continue the substitute teacher slid in and began Glee. Holden saw most of those in Glee club were looking between her and Kurt- trying to figure out exactly what their interaction was about but Holden stayed as if she had not picked up on it.

The blonde was sat in her room doing work when she saw Mason by the open door and nodded approvingly for him to come in, "he's sleeping" Mason said at the questioning look and Holden smiled at that.

Asher was currently teething and found sleeping really difficult, but he was eating a few more solid foods and Holden was thinking maybe it was time to start weaning him. "Do you think it's too early to begin weaning? We've already began the process of more solid food, but-"

Mason smiled softly and cut her off taking her hand in his, "sweetheart it's your body if you are ready to stop having Ash breastfeed, we'll begin the process of him getting weaned" he soothed softly and Holden smiled brightly at that.

Her nipples were killing and she wanted to stop the breastfeeding, "it doesn't make me selfish that I am more wanting to stop for myself?" She asks and that was her biggest fear.

Being selfish at all in relation to her son.

"You could never be selfish Dennie," he says pulling her into a tight hug and Holden let out the tears that had built up, "I'm here. I'll always be here, Asher has the best mom in the world and if you ever think you're selfish when it comes to Asher, or anything tell me. I'll hold you as long as it takes to stop you thinking like that."

Holden looked up and met his sincere eyes and let out a wet chuckle, "god. What did I do to deserve you?" She asks.

"You threatened to hit someone with a toy car when they wouldn't let me play, and ever since then you've been stuck with me." Holden laughed loudly at that memory, "I was five!" She said indignantly but with a smile, "and it was a toy truck" she corrected.

"How could I be so wrong? Our friendship is tainted," Mason said dramatically and Holden pushed him off her bed, "go take your dramatic ass to Matt" she said.

Mason sat up quickly at that like a deer caught in headlights, "um- I don't know what you mean" he faked confusion.

"Darling," Holden said getting off her bed and sitting next to him, "I'm happy for you, I see how you guys are together and know you've probably held back because of me, and Asher. But you don't have too, I'm happy if you are and if Matt makes you as happy as you deserve so go for it. He'll make a great step dad for Ash," she added the last bit teasingly and kissed Mason's cheek as a soft smile covered his face.

"Mike will too," Mason whispered as he returned the kiss she gave him by kissing Holden's temple before he left to go check on Asher before he went to do any homework he had.

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