Certain Death Escape

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Cassidy's POV:

Suddenly William screamed as I heard snapping sounds. William then let go of me and I ran back to my friends.

"Ahhhh! You little brat!"

There was blood spraying out of William's custom. William was letting out blood curtailing screams.

"Ahhh my plan! You ruined everything!"

We were horrified by this gruesome site. We all had tears streaming down our faces as the smell of blood reached our noses.

As I look at the man who tried to kill us die, I know I will forever be haunted by this moment. I know that his death scream will be plaguing my dreams for a lifetime.

I then look at Fritz who at this point is holding his hands to his face as he sobs silently.

"Fritz! Are you ok?"

"My eyes! I can't see!" Fritz removes his hands from his face, and I gasp in horror. There is one wide slash running across Fritz's face. Across his eyes.

I know that daddy told me that people without eyes can't see. That can't happen to Fritz right?

At this point William has stopped screaming and he is just lying on the floor not moving at all.

"Why has he stopped moving?"

"Gabrial, I think he's dead"

At this point I take a step towards William as my legs shake and wobble. I notice parts of the suit sticking into his body. I wonder what that snapping sound was and what caused it to happen.

At this point Gabrial is pale and he takes a long time to come up with what he says next.

"Susie, what's dead?"

"He is like my doggy. Daddy says that when you're dead you pass on to somewhere else."

At this point the smell in the air is getting unbearable and I start to gag.

I then see the door keys on the floor. They must have fallen when William let go of me. Susie then takes the keys.

"We need to go"

All I can do is just stare at the corpse on the floor in front of us. I look at the eyes of William. It's as if they are staring into my soul. His dead stare could even scare mommy and daddy.

"Cass, we need to go"

I turn around and see Gabrial's hand resting on top of my shoulder. A sympathetic look in his eyes.

Gabrail then leads me towards the door. He then walks towards Fritz then gestures to Susie to come over to him.

"Susie give me a hand with his left shoulder. I'll take his other side."

Susie and Gabrial then grab Fritz's shoulders and they start to drag him to the door. The entire time Fritz screams and kicks.

Jeremy then grabs my hand, and he leads me to the door. Gabrial puts the key in the lock and the door opens with a metallic creek.

Susie and Gabrial then put Fritz against the wall. Jeremy then steps forward "I'll stay with him. Cass, get your parents."

The four of us then walk into the dining room to find all of our parents worried sick and looking for us.

"Cassidy!" my mom's voice rings out.

Both my parents rush over to hug me. Both my mom and my dad look like they are on the verge of tears.

"Cassidy, where were you? We were so worried!"

By this point all of my friend's parents were rushing over to them. Susie's parents were talking so fast it was hard to even understand them. Gabrial's mom was shaking, and his dad still hasn't let him out of the hug he is giving him. Jeremy's mom was still telling Jeremy how much she loves him and how he should go and get her before he runs off.

"I'm sorry daddy! There was this man dressed as Bonnie and he-!" I suddenly cut myself off. Unable to relive that moment again.

"He what sweetie?" my dad says while barely able to contain his panic.

"He tried to kill us!" I suddenly blurted out which made the whole room silent.

Everyone's face is turned towards me looking at me in shock and in horror.

"HE WHAT?!" Both of my parents shout out in unison. All of a sudden there is shouting from all the parents in the room wanting to know every detail about what happened.

My parents enter a state of cycling emotions from heartbrokenness, regret, then anger.

"Where is he! Where is the person who tried to hurt my baby?!"

"He's de-" I couldn't even finish the sentence.

My mom is now kneeling down to my level, and she says in her angel soft voice "Baby what exactly happened. It's ok, you can tell mommy"

"The suit he was wearing malfunctioned or something and it killed him."

My parent's faces morph into a look of horror once they realize what I had witnessed.

What they couldn't stop from happening to me.

"Don't worry baby, it's over now. You're safe."

Susie's and Gabrial's parents then notice the blood on them.

"Susie what is this?! Are you hurt!"

Fritz's dad then runs to the front of the group in tears.

"Where's Fritz!"

We then lead the group to the back hallway. That's when Fritz's dad noticed Fritz against the wall with the slash across his eyes.

"Fritz! My baby!"

Fritz dad cradles Fritz in his arms with tears streaming down his face.


Don't worry baby daddy's here!"

All the parents are horrified. An ambulance is called, and the restaurant is closed.

Fritz is now on a stretcher with his dad by his side as they take him into the ambulance. The owner of Freddy's is looking like he is having a nervous breakdown.

"On behalf of Fazbear Entertainment we are sorry! And we will happily cover the bills!"

If looks could kill, then my parents could have killed the manger 1000 times over.

"Sorry is all you can say! You let a dangerous person into the building, and they hurt Fritz and almost killed my daughter and her friends!"

The manager is now sweating and stuttering as he continues to talk "I understand your anger! Now onto another matter. Fazbear Entertainment will provide a large settlement if you just agree to keep this incident less in the open."

If my parents weren't mad before then they are certainly made now.


The anger is now completely pale, and his clothes are drenched in sweat. He is about to say more when a cop comes over and talks to him.

"Sir, we have completely secured the crime scene. There is just one problem."

"What's that?"

Everyone's attention is now on the police officer.

"The body is gone"


Author's Notes:

The body is missing? What could that mean? The next part will be a time skip too when the children are 17. So, expect the next chapter to be out in a few days. 

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