The walk

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The wind was picking up and the air sounded as loud as a train. I was barely keeping up with the group, my limping still persisted. Thankfully my friends took turns helping me by taking my shoulders and taking the weight off my leg. It's been many years since we went to the Pizzeria. The last time we were there it was when we were almost murdered by William.

Images filled my mind of what the pizzeria could look like now. Was it dilapidated? Was it filled to the brim with wildlife that would be angry at us for trespassing on their territory? Or maybe it was being cared for, and it is being looked after by people who paint it once a month. The possibilities seemed endless.

But whatever it looks like now it won't matter. I will still have to enter the building and relive that day. I would have to see the dining room that I was tricked in. I would have to go down the hallway that I was being tricked into going down. Then if things go this way, I'll have to enter the backroom in which my childhood was traumatized. But I would do this all over again if it meant saving Fritz.


The smiling face that was playing with me every day on the playground in kindergarten. Fritz the boy I swung on the swings with in the park. Fritz the pirate captain that shared a chest of "treasure" which was really just plastic gold coins, with me. I had to get him back no matter what.

Fritz has been one of my best friends for a long time! I couldn't imagine him not being in my life. If something happened to him I would never get to hear all those pirate yars, and the pirate jokes he tells. Sure he stopped wearing eye patches since the incident, but he still has his love for pirates.

I want to save him more than anything because I can't lose one of my best friends!

But maybe there is more than that. Lately I have started to feel a feeling in my chest every time I see Fritz. When we hugged each other in his house it felt different from the many hugs we shared when we were kids. It had a feeling to it that I can't describe.

Could I be having feelings for Fritz? It felt so weird that the little pirate kid that always played with me could win my heart. I always thought of Fritz as a great friend, but now thinking back on the events of the last few days I can tell that I have been developing more feelings each day for Fritz.

What was there not to like about him with his kind and caring attitude, and his cute love of pirates. I can see why everyone thought Fritz was such a cute kid, he was absolutely adorable with his little pirate hat and his pirate hook. I can tell why I became such great friends with him back then.

I have to reach him! I have to tell him how I feel!

Ignoring the pain in my leg I quicken my pace with these thoughts, limping faster. All my friends are stunned at how I can move so fast despite my limping. By this point they have all turned to look at me.

"Cass, slow down your going to hurt yourself!" Susie shouts while running to my side to try to help me. But I simply shrug here off as I continue to pick up speed.

"I'm fine! Let's just get to Fritz!" my voice was so determined that it even could be heard over the storm.

"Cass your hurt we need to slow down! I'm worried about Fritz too but we need to slow down or else you'll collapse!" Jeremy shouts clearly worried about me.

It warms my heart to see my friends so concerned about me but I have no time to think about that now. Fritz is at the pizzeria and he is probably scared. As long as he is with William he is not safe.

"I'm fine! Thanks for worrying about me but I am not the one in danger, Fritz is!" I shout while speeding ahead of them. Gabrial runs to catch up with me and he grabs my hand.

"Cass please! You're going to faint at this rate!"

"I don't care! I need to get to Fritz!" I say while gently pulling my arm free. The look of concern is in the eyes of all my friends. I will be thanking them for the rest of my life for doing this, but there is no time to think about that now. I will pay them back for this and more once we find Fritz.

"Cass, we need to plan on what we will do once we get there! What if we run into William!" Susie shouts over the wind.

She was right, what would we do if we encountered William. He easily overpowered me the last time I saw him, how would we deal with him this time? We don't have any weapons and I am also wounded from the last time I saw him so I won't be any help. We will have to just hope for the best and that against all odds that we won't see William.

"We can hide if that happens but for now let's just get there first!"

Eventually as we walk we spot familiar locations and landmarks that we haven't seen since we were kids. I recognize this area, I remember my parents driving down this road to get to the pizzeria, we must be getting close.

Then as we turn the corner, we see it. There stood the building. The faded sign spelled the same word.

Freddy Fazbear's Pizza


Authors Notes:

Hello everyone, I'm back! Cassidy is starting to realize her feelings for Fritz, but will she get to tell him?!PSI hope you all like the new cover, I may not be the best artist, but I tried my best. I am impressed at the Springtrap design though, but I am not that good at drawing humans. By the way I am now on and soon I will join Archive of Our Own! I am also now writing my story's first in google doc, so I now have a better spell checker. So, expect fixes to the past chapters coming soon.

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