A body

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Cassidy's POV:

I felt dizzy. It was as if I could pass out at any second. There's no way he's back. It was only a dream, right?

My dad then comes into the living room, and he sees how pale I look.

"Sweetie, are you feeling, ok?"

"I'm fine I just need to lay down"

I then made my way up to my bedroom and shut the door. I lay down in bed with my hands to my face.

"No! No! No! No!" I keep repeating. How am I going to deal with this? Surely it is a coincidence that the piece looks the same color as the one in my dream. I'm just being paranoid. Ya that's it.

I will just go to school and Mr. Smith will be sitting at his desk ready to tell the class another bad joke which I will laugh at. Everything will go back to normal. I just have to be patient.


No, everything didn't go back to normal. The next day when I went into school there was a different teacher at Mr. Smith's desk. The teacher was an older woman with graying hair. She had no smile on her face and she was sitting up straight. If there was a definition of a serious person, then it was her.

I walked up to her. I always like to say hi to everyone and it's always nice to meet a new person.

"Hi I'm Cass-"

"Please take your seat young lady" the teacher says, cutting into my sentence. She is not even trying to smile, and her face gives off an upset vibe. I then take my seat and I wait for Susie and Fritz.

Susie comes and she looks just as surprised as I was to see a different teacher in Mr. Smith's seat. Susie awkwardly walks over to me, and she leans over me and whispers.

"I presume you heard over the news about what happened to Mr. Smith?"

"Ya, my parents made me stay home from school yesterday and while I was in the living room, I saw it on the news."

Susie and I are now breaking down what we know about what happened to Mr. Smith. We are both leaning on desk handles whispering to each other as other students come into the classroom.

"Do you think Mr. Smith is ok?"

"I don't know, the news report didn't sound so good." I look down as I say this fearing the worst for poor Mr. Smith.

"That metal piece I recognize it."

Susie's face freezes with a look of surprise and neither of us say a word for about a minute.

"What do you mean you recognize it?"

"I did it in my dream. It was part of the custom HE was wearing."

Susie is beyond shocked at this news, and she looks at me with a look of disbelief.

"There's no way that the piece you saw in your dream matches the piece found in Mr. Smith's house. It has to be a coincidence."

"I don't think it is," I say flatly. I know that it can't be a coincidence no matter how much I try to tell myself. I know that my dream has something to do with what is going on.

The classroom is almost full now and the last to come in is Fritz with his cane. The teacher then stands up at the front of her desk.

"Ok now that everybody is here, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ms. Samantha, and I will be your new algebra teacher until your old one is found."

"But what if he isn't coming back." says one of the boys at the back of the classroom.

"Ya what if he is dead and buried in an alley somewhere!" laughs one of the girls next to the boy. I stare angrily at the kids. How could they be so disrespectful?

"Students please behave! I don't know how your old teacher ran this class but while I'm running it, I expect complete respect!" Shouts Ms. Samantha in a voice filled with authority.

Fritz then leans towards me and whispers "This is going to be a very interesting lesson.


1 week goes by and Mr. Smith still hasn't been found. Ms. Samantha is way stricter than Mr. Smith and she seems to be getting meaner as the days go on. The news of Mr. Smith's disappearance has spread around school as wheel with many kids gossiping about what is happening.

As the days go on, I keep getting more and more stressed. The nightmares are still happening, and they keep getting worse as the days go on. The nightmares are different a lot of the time, but one thing is the same. It always involves the pizzeria and him. I don't know what I am going to do if the nightmares keep coming.


I am right now sitting in my algebra classroom and Ms. Samantha has not arrived yet, which is weird since she is very strict on rules.

"Maybe if we're lucky she will disappear like Mr. Smith!" Shouts one of the boys from the back of the classroom.

I grimace at this because not only is he disrespecting Mr. Smith he is also being disrespectful to Ms. Samantha. Even though she's mean she still is an innocent person.

Suddenly Ms. Samantha comes into the classroom walking strangely. She has a shell-shocked expression, and she looks like she is shaking.

"Ms. Samantha, what's the matter?" I decided to be the first one brave enough to ask.

Her words come out in a shaken voice "The unthinkable has happened."

This really brings up my concern and half the class share this feeling. I'm about to ask her what happened but she continues talking.

"Your old teacher he's dead" her voice makes the whole classroom fall silent.


Author's Notes:

That's it far this chapter! The first blood (other than William) has begun. What will come next? And what happened to Mr. Smith.

PS I will be release something new other than this story from another video game soon. But don't worry I won't abandon this story. You can vote in the comments for what you think I should do next.

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