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Fritz POV:

Pain is what I felt at that moment. The burning feeling of the pain was intense. That thing stepped on my leg, it felt as if it was broken. That thing was laughing now, it was a menacing laugh.

"How about we have some fun first before the main event!'' After the thing shouted these words, I heard the sound of its thundering footsteps running away from me, and I could tell it ran out of the room faster than any human could.

I tried to get up but the minute I did I screamed, and I felt a jolt of pain go through my leg. How badly was it hurt?!

The floor now was damp and wet with my blood. Just then I heard a creaking sound, it sounded as if it was a door opening at the front of the building.

"What's that smell? It smells like blood!" The voice brought a feeling of hope. Someone is here! They can help me!

The footsteps were growing closer now. It sounded as if the person was standing directly outside the room.

"Hello! Hello, hello! Is anyone-" The person talking stops mid-sentence. At this point I feel the presence of the person in the doorway of the room.

"O my gosh are you ok?! What happened to you!" I then hear the sound of footsteps run towards me, and I can now feel the person standing over me.

"What on earth are you doing here? Never mind, let me get you to my office!" there is a sense of panic and concern in his voice as he says this. I then feel his arms around me as he tries to help me move.

"Awwww!" I shout in pain as I put weight on my leg.

"I'm so sorry! Here you can lean on me, just try not to put weight on that leg. Now what on earth happened to you?"

I now am leaning on him more stability as we are walking. But the pain is still there. Whatever that thing was, it hurt me pretty bad.

"I'm Fritz. Something attacked me and my friend. Whatever it was, it brought me here. I don't think it's human."

"Kid it's only you and me here. But I will call an ambulance to help you"

"Who are you and where am I?"

"We're inside Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! I work as a nightguard here, but it's pretty boring since there is nothing going on at night."

My brain instantly panicked the moment I heard the name Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. I was here again! Ever since Cassidys party I stopped coming here, and my brain developed a fear of this place!

"What?! where in Freddys!" my breathing picks up as I say this. This place holds nothing but bad memories. This was too much for me to handle.

"Why are you so worried? I know this place is surrounded by bad rumors. But I can assure you that there is nothing to worry about."

My face felt hot, and my hand curled into a fist.


"Wait your!" the night guard shouts in shock as we come to a stop. He then composes himself and he takes a deep breath.

"You're one of the kids from the-" he then pauses, trying to find the right words to say. "Incident".

"Yes, I am! I can't be back here! Please get me out of here!" I was now having a panic attack. I was hoping with all my might that he could call someone to take me to a hospital so I could get as far away from this place as possible.

"Don't worry kid. Ever since the incident this place was shut down. Freddys couldn't get rid of the bad press of almost having a murder take place. There is no danger here."

We then stop and the guy sets me down.

"We are now in the security office. There is a phone on the desk that I can use to call an ambulance. Please just relax and remain calm." The guy then starts to dial a number on the phone.

"Hello! I got a kid here at-" the guy is cut off mid-sentence as I hear a loud sound and soundly everything is silent.

"The power went out! Stay here I have to check the generator"

"No, please don't leave me here alone!" I shout but it is too late, I hear the sound of his footsteps leaving the room as a sense of dread overtakes me.

I count the minutes go by as I wait for him to come back. How long could restarting a generator possibly take?


A loud noise fills the pizzeria. It sounded as if something fell to the floor.

"Nightguard! Where are you?!" I then try to sit up, but I feel the sharp pain in my leg. I then crawl to the hallway, and I search along the floor for anything I could use to lean on.

I eventually find an old wooden board and I use it to support my leg.

The silence is then broken by a humming. The humming is spine chilling. It sounds just like the humming William-

Just then the memory of what Cass said comes into my mind. The metal piece matches the one in her dream! The metal sounding footsteps! Cass was right! He is back!

I then try to find the exit using the memories of the pizzeria from my childhood. Eventually I come to the front door, I pull on it, but it doesn't open. The night guard must have locked it when he came in!

I have to find the night guard; it is the only way to get the doors unlocked. But how do I get around with a serial killer here!

I feel my way around the table of the dining room and eventually I feel the wood of the main stage. I then make my way to the hallway, and I start to walk down it.

The humming is getting louder with each footstep I take. What am I doing?! If I keep moving towards the sound, I will run into him! But the night guard must have gone down this way, I have to find him!

I don't have a chance to change my mind, all of a sudden, the humming stops. I then feel the wall trying to find a door. I don't know where the generator room is so any of these rooms could be it.

I eventually feel the feeling of cold steel. I know that instance I am now standing in front of the same room that I had my childhood ruined in. This was the room that William lured us into!

I take a deep breath. I know that this is the only room the night guard could have gone in, there are no other doors in this hallway. I then reluctantly open the door and I feel a rush of cold air hit me.

The room felt damp, even damper than the rest of the restaurant. I then start to walk forward but I trip over something, and I land on the ground with a painful shout.

I then felt the thing I tripped over; I then pulled my arm away fast as my body went cold. The thing I touched was warm and wet.

It was the body of the night guard

"Found you!" The rough voice says.

I scream as it launches forward. And everything goes black.


Authors Notes:

What just happened to Fritz?! And who was that night guard ("cough" Phone Guy "cough"). And by the way the humming sounds like the nightmare mode music from Help Wanted.


I am sorry for this chapter coming out later than usual. I have been pretty busy with work and school lately and I have been working on the new cover. I am also sorry the new cover is not out yet. I would have finished it first, but I didn't want to have you all wait another week for a new chapter.

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