It's Real

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Everyone in class has gone silent, even the annoying kids in the back of the room.

"He's dead-" I could barely say these words out of my mouth. I could not believe what I was hearing. There's no way these events are happing.

"He was found last night in an alley way 10 miles away from his house. Are should I say what was left of him." As Ms. Samantha said these last few words she trialed of as if remembering the horror of what she heard. 

"What do you mean what was left of him?" said Fritz asking the question everyone didn't dare ask.

"His body was horribly mutilated and it was barely recognizable. His head was found lying next to the body."

As she says those words the image of William holding Mr. Smith's head plays back in my head. How could a dream I have last week ago come true? Mr. Smith dying in the same fashion he had in my dream, and the fact that a metal piece identical to the one in my dream shows up at his house the night of the break in. That can't be a coincidence.

The room is still dead silent and the silence is only interrupted by Ms. Samantha's haunted voice "School will be let out early today and a funeral is going to be held next week for anyone in this class that would like to go. I will continue teaching this class for the time being."

I couldn't believe that this is happing, I have to find out what is going on.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur, it's as if the whole school has been hypnotized and there walking corpses are walking around. Everyone has a blanked and shocked expression and not many people are talking.

The only words I say to my friends at launch are to meet me after school at the tree in the school yard which we all immediately agree to do immediately.

We then get out of school after fifth period. Some people are rushing to get out as if to pretend that this whole day never happened, while others are barely walking at all and are taking their time to get out of their classrooms.

Me and my friends all take are time to walk to the tree. They all have the same look in their eyes that I do. 

We then get there and none of us can find the bravery to speak. There is such a dead silence in the air that I almost wish I didn't call this meeting and that we just could pretend that this day never happened and that Mr. Smith would come back tomorrow with another one of his jokes. But I knew that it wouldn't happen. Mr. Smith was dead and he is never coming back. I wish I would have stayed home today; with the way I am with my dreams lately my parents would gladly let me do it.

Fritz finds the bravery to speak first "What happened today?" Fritz said what was on everybody's mind. How does something like this happen. Things like this shouldn't happen to people my age.

"We all know what happened, we heard it with our own ears." Gabrail says in a shell-shocked voice as if wishing what he said wasn't true.

"I can't believe he's gone" I say barely able to contain the tears in my eyes.

"Ya he was so filled with life. It is hard to believe that someone like that would ever die, let alone die to murder." Susie says.

"But who could have done something like this." Jeremy says asking the question that was on everybody's mind but no one wanted to say out loud.

Jeremy then continues "I just don't know who could be so brutal and could-"

"I know who did it" I say cutting of Jeremy and shocking everyone in the group. All my friend's eyes are on me and they are filled with disbelief, not being able to take in the words I said.

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