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Susie's POV:

We had just finished class and Cassidy still doesn't look ok. For the whole class period she has just been staring off with her eyes widened. I think Mr. Smith noticed it to because for the entire class period he has been trying to lighten the mood by telling more of his bad jokes. But it isn't working, and Cass just keeps staring off into space.

The entire school day goes by like this and by this point I've become very worried. In my science class I see Jeremy. He upgraded to a bigger pair of sunglasses, but he doesn't wear them much anymore. I tell him about what has been happing to Cass and he seems just as worried as I was.

"Of course, I will come find you and Cass after school! We have been friends are whole life's and I won't abandoned any of you!"

Next in PE I run into Gabrial. He still likes to wear brown shirts and his hair is now longer. He seems worried about Cass to, and he also agrees to meet with us as wheel. 

"You can count on me!"

By the end of the school day, we all meet up outside the main doors and we walk near a tree which is far away from anyone else at the front of the building so no one can hear us.

"Cass are you ok? Susie told us about the situating with your dream." Gabrial says.

"Last night I dreamed I was back there" Cass's voice is so quit we could barely hear it.

"Back where?"

"You know where" Cass replies staring off into the distance.

Everyone's eyes widen in realization at what Cass is saying. She is talking about the Pizzaria. Ever since that day we don't like talking about it. It just brings up bad memories. But if Cass is thinking about it then we will all help her out. We know each other since we were kids. If one of us is struggling with something we will help each other through this until the very end because that's what friends are for.

"What happened in your dream Cass. Whatever happened we will help work you through this"

Cass then takes a deep breath, and she closes her eyes.

"I walked into the back room, and I saw him"


We all know what she means by him. She is talking about that man in the Bonnie suit. The one that tried to-. I cut of that though before I can finish it. It's too painful remember him.

"Except he looked different. His body was rotting inside the suit. And the suit looked withered."

Just imaging Cass description brought shivers down my spine. I could only imagine how horrifying he must have looked like in that state.

"I screamed and he jumped in my face."

We are all now staring at Cass with empathy on our faces. We can only imagine how horrifying that dream was for her. 

"Cass, we understand. We all understand how horrifying that must have been."

 "Ya we all remember that day. I will never be able to forget it" Fritz says while rubbing his eyes.

"You understand!" Cass says with pleased voice.

"Of course, we do Cass! We will never abandon you!" Gabrial says.

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