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The police were at Freddys because someone reported seeing the smoke. It had been 3 hours since the police found us outside of Freddys and they called an ambulance. We are all in the hospital now recovering from our injuries

Fritz was in the worst shape out of all of us. His leg was broken from Williams stepping on his leg. William also broke a few ribs, and Fritz was cut pretty badly from William's attack.

After Fritz I was the second most hurt out of us. Thankfully my leg wasn't broken; William seems to have only sprained it when he stomped on it. Other than that, my leg also had second degree burns; my pants seem to have lessened the damage. Other than that, I have broken a rib and I also had a few cuts.

Gabrial suffered a bump on the head and his body was pretty bruised up; that's why it was so hard for him to walk in the safe room. Gabriel will have to stay in the hospital for a few days to avoid falling. It was a miracle he was even able to get to the generator in the back room at all in his condition.

The doctors did an endoscopy on Susie, and they found out she had internal bleeding in her stomach. Right now, they are giving her vitamin K and having her rest and making sure she is hydrated.

Jeremy was the luckiest out of all of us, he only had a black eye and a few scratches. He was allowed to leave the hospital but he plans to visit us as much as possible.

Our parents were very shocked at what happened. When I was gone my parents went to check on me in my room and when they saw that I wasn't there they went frantic. They called the police and everything. When they were notified that I was at the hospital they rushed down here right away. And the same goes for the other parents.

"What were you thinking?! Do you want to give us a heart attack?!" my mom yelled.

"Do you know how much it hurts to see our baby girl in the hospital! We can hardly forgive ourselves for letting this happen!" my dad shouts while he hugs me while I lay in the hospital bed.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to worry you." I say with guilt in my voice.

"It's fine, we're just happy that you and all your friends are all ok. Just please don't make us worry like that again. We just don't want to experience the same type of situation that happened on your birthday." my mom says in a caring voice.

"Don't worry. It's over now. All of it is gone. The sadness, the despair. I can finally move on now." I say peacefully.


One week later I am still in the hospital and my parents stay so long in my room that the hospital literally has to escort them out of my room when visiting hours are over. Right now I am watching a nature documentary on the hospitals tv.

The door to my room opens and a nurse comes into my room.

"Hello Cassidy there is someone who wants to see you."

"Who is it?" my dad says with a confused voice.

"He says he is someone from Freddys and he wants to talk to Cassidy alone." the nurse says room the doorway.

My parents are about to object but I talk before they can.

"It's ok I want to see him." my curiosity is now very high. Did someone from Freddys want to sue us for entering the pizzeria? Did they send someone to offer us money in exchange for staying quiet about this?

"But sweetie-"

"Please dad. I want to know." reluctantly my parents leave the room and a few minutes later a man enters the room wearing a brown shirt and glasses. He looked like a soft spoken person and he hardly had any emotion on his face. But once he saw me he gave me a smile.

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