Chapter 5

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"Yeah, do you think its cute that i'm so fucking stupid, tell me that it is."

It wasn't that I hated his presence, no

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It wasn't that I hated his presence, no.

It that it completely engulfed me, his entire aura and presence just took over me. Every time he looks at me, my breath just disappears.

It didn't mix well with my ability to be silent and awkward in front of the opposite sex. Ever since my ex, I avoided men like the plague so now two years later, here I am a fidgeting mess in males car.

I think I was just too used to being on my own or around women friends.

But this man, he was a male who makes me feel like my skin is on fire. A male who has a staring problem.

"What?" I spit out after a few minutes of silence.

We was in traffic waiting for the light to turn green. Sat in his huge black range rover, seats completely leather with a small patch of fabric in the middle. A screen in the middle of the dash for the car tech and the rest just like an average car. He was expensive, i could tell.

My knee bounced up and down annoyingly wishing and hoping that the red turned to green as soon as possible. I swiped the loose strands of hair from my face and huffed frustratedly.

I couldn't deal with his staring much longer.

He chose to ignore my question, leaving his eyes to rake up and down my body until he reached my knees.

His hand dove out and latched onto my leg, my breath hitching in my throat at his touch. The fire burnt through my skin. Thank god I was wearing jeans and not bare legged.

"Stop. Why are you so nervous? What has gotten you so shaken, little lamb?" The nickname stung my ears. Heart rising to my face, for some reason the name almost made me melt into ice all over his car.

"I-i'm not nervous, i'm just naturally jittery. I'm also really tired and impatient." I tell him and give him a shy smile before turning my head away. I try to ignore the fact his hand is still on my leg, pushing down every time he feels my leg bounce.

"Look the light is green!" I quickly point out to him and he smirks, pulling his hand up from my leg to move the wheel again. He chuckles at me, clearly noticing my nerves despite me saying I wasn't. I definitely wasn't convincing.

"So, you're a drug dealer" a spit out and I immediately cringe. Who says that?!

What socially benign person tries small talk?!

For all I know, this man could be in a drug mafia, the ruler, oh god what if he's a killer too?

Don't be ridiculous Kali.

"I suppose you could say that yes. I prefer the term business man, but yeah let's say drug dealer." He says. His deep voice vibrates in my ears, this time it's me staring as he talks.

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