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Kaimana Valencia | March 1996

"I am not having Malfoy tutor me, Professor!" Kaimana threw her arms in the air in aggravation. "I don't need it!"

She was in Snape's classroom at lunch because she was summoned since he had to speak to her. She thought it was about her grades, and in a way, it was. But now she was annoyed by the fact that she was going to be tutored by Draco.

"Miss Valencia, lower your voice," Snape droned, looping his fingers in front of himself. "And in fact, you do need it. You're failing miserably."

Kaimana's jaw ticked as she folded her arms over her chest. "I can ask Elijah King or Aisling Chung or Theodore Nott or Blaise Zabini or Pansy Parkinson. Why does it have to be Malfoy?" She was being stubborn, and she knew it.


"Top of your class," she finished his sentence in irritation. "That's complete bollocks. I used to be top of your class too and now you're just out to get me."

"It'll only be four days a week for two hours after classes in the library," Snape explained in a calm manner.

"Four days?! Two hours?!" Kaimana was pumping with anger. "Not a bloody chance. Two days, not four. And one hour, not two."

"Three days, and an hour and a half. It's either that, or four days and two hours." Snape lifted a brow.

"Fine," she eventually said through gritted teeth, facing defeat.

"Wonderful. You start after classes today." Snape nodded and he seemed pleased. "I'll let Mister Malfoy know."

Kaimana wanted to scream and tackle Snape to the ground, but she didn't. She composed herself and stormed out of his classroom.

"Fucking unbelievable," she muttered in frustration as she made her way to the Great Hall. "Fucking unbelievable. Stab me in the fucking eye."

"Woah, angel, what's got your panties in a..." Quinn trailed off when she sent him a nasty glare. He cleared his throat awkwardly and gestured at his plate. "I saved you cheese bread."

Kaimana rolled her eyes and sat next to him.

"What's wrong, Kai?" Jaxon asked from across the table, sitting next to Meleah, who had Zaiyah on her lap.

"Snape is making me do tutor lessons with Malfoy because I'm failing Potions, as he said, miserably," Kaimana said, crossing her forearms over the table before dropping her head on her arms. "Fucking fantastic."

She heard Quinn wince from beside her. "For how long?" he asked, rubbing her back comfortingly.

"I don't know, but he said it's for three days a week after classes, and an hour and a half for each session," she said, closing her eyes in exhaustion. "And it starts today."

Kaimana felt her lips stretch into a smile when she saw Zaiyah slip from Meleah's lap. The one-year-old crawled under the table and pushed herself up onto the bench before settling herself onto her mum's lap.

"Mama," Zaiyah babbled, and put her two small hands on Kaimana's cheeks.

Kaimana leaned into her baby's touch and closed her arms around her small frame. "Mama loves you."

Zaiyah leaned in and kissed her mum's nose.

"Hey, I finally figured out what the ball is for," Meleah mentioned as she twirled a strawberry around with her fork. She dipped it onto her plate and slid it around the excess syrup from her pancake.

"Yeah? What is it?" Jaxon mused as he sipped his orange juice.

"It's just for fun," Meleah said, smiling with doe eyes. "I heard a few other people talking about it, and McGonagall convinced Dumbledore to throw a ball for fun." She ran her fingers through her shoulder-length hair that she curled this morning.

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