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Kaimana Valencia | April 1997

"The lot of the Professors have been asking where the four are," Meleah mumbled as they walked to the library.

"I don't understand why they even notice our friends missing when the fucking Golden Trio has disappeared to try and save the day," Kaimana grumbled bitterly.

"I miss Jaxon." Quinn frowned, leaning his head against Kaimana's. "Before he and Lani started dating, he always cuddled with me in my bed. He was the big spoon, always."

Kaimana put an arm around Quinn, rubbing his bicep softly. "I'm sorry, Q," she murmured softly.

The three of them went to the library to do some homework, and Kaimana felt uneasy. Not because of sickness, but because she hadn't seen Draco in two days.

Not see him like be in his arms and kiss him, but literally see him with her own eyes.

She hadn't caught sight of a platinum-haired boy walking around the school in two days, and it worried her.

Meleah and Quinn didn't seem to notice, nor did Aisling and Elijah. Probably because they were busy with their own issues, but Draco was Kaimana's priority—below Zaiyah.

"Meleah," Kaimana whispered to said girl as they were seated on the couch. "Has Pansy told you anything about where Draco is?"

Meleah's brows furrowed, looking at her mate. "Draco? No. Why?" She seemed bemused.

"No reason." Kaimana smiled faintly before veering her attention back to her homework. "Oh, shit. I'm going to be late for Potions." She stood quickly and shoved her things in her bag. "I'll see you guys later." She left the library.

She walked to Potions and took her assigned seat, seeing everyone was mostly there. She saw Snape's eye on her since she walked in, and being a bitch, she just stared back.

Eyes low, jaw set, and expression blank as she stared back.

Snape broke eye contact and stood to start the class.

Kaimana debated on asking him where Draco was, but she remembered that Snape didn't know that she knew.

After classes were over, she decided to go knock on Draco's dorm, but there was no answer. Being crazy and worried at once, she let herself in.

She shut the door behind her, instantly feeling safe at the scent of Draco surrounding her senses. But there was no sight of him.

His bed was made, not slept in. His desk was clean and organized, as it always was. His dresser top was organized with his watches and cologne aligned by the mirror, per usual. His nightstand had their book on it, still on the page they left off on.

She walked to his bathroom and looked in his laundry basket to see it still had the same items in there—one pair of his uniform pants, his uniform shirt, his sweatpants, and two boxers.

Laundry day was tomorrow, so it was no surprise he had laundry still in the basket. But it was weird that he had the same amount of laundry in here as he did two days ago.

She sat on his bed for a bit, just staring at the wall.

She missed him, but she didn't know where he was.


Still no sign of Draco three more days later. Almost a whole week without him.

It was weird.

Kaimana racked her brain about where he could be. She had a few guesses, but it was strange because he never said anything to her before about leaving Hogwarts for a bit.

But she couldn't do anything because she had actually been busy for those couple of days with exams and assignments and helping out around the castle.

Right now, Aisling and Kaimana were both helping out Professor Pince at the library. They were organizing books and looking through the books to see what needed yet to be returned.

"Has Theo said anything about Draco?" Kaimana asked as she checked a check mark over the box for the aisle they finished with.

"Theo reckons Draco just got called home," Aisling said quietly, serenely, as they moved on to the next aisle. "Probably something to do with his mother, I don't know."

Kaimana nodded. That was what she suspected, but not the mother part. She suspected something else as to why Draco got called back to his manor.

"Well, how are you and Theo doing?" She exhaled and smiled as brightly as she could. "Any arguments lately? I noticed you two never argue."

"We don't usually argue, that's correct." Aisling nodded, smiling softly as they looked through the books in the aisle they were in to mark them. "But on the rare occasion we do, he's the first to apologize since he hates when we fight. You know he can't sleep without me?"

"That's sweet." Kaimana was smiling earnestly now. "You two are really lovely together."

"Hey, did you notice Quinn and that Star girl in your house have been talking a lot as well?" Aisling's voice hushed even more as she tossed her hair in a bun, using her wand to secure it. "A bit uncanny if you ask me."

"Uncanny how?" Kaimana's brows wrinkled together.

"Because Star was obsessing over Malfoy not that long ago," Aisling whispered and checked off the aisle before they moved to the next. "And then she goes to Quinn. I know they talk often, but she looks like she's flirting now."

Kaimana was silently thinking for a moment, realizing her friend was right. "I'm sure Quinn can take care of this himself, but we should keep an eye out for him in case," she said eventually.

Later that night, Kaimana got ready for bed in her empty dorm. Meleah was with Pansy, spending the night.

Kaimana felt more loneliness than usual. She didn't have her beautiful baby with her. She didn't have Draco. Her mates were busy with their own things.

And well... Kaimana was by herself.

She never realized how heavy loneliness actually felt on one's heart until she was experiencing it for herself. It wasn't a very pleasant feeling, not at all.

She just sat in her bed, staring at the empty crib as she twisted the rose ring around her pinky. She missed Zaiyah so much.

She missed hearing her babbles and her giggles. She missed seeing her radiant smile with her baby teeth. She missed cuddling with her and reading childrens' stories. It hadn't been that long since Zaiyah left, but it felt like an eternity for Kaimana.

Kaimana didn't realize she was crying until a tear hit her bare thighs. She sucked in a sharp breath, exhaling a shaky one out.

She stood from the bed and went to the crib. She grabbed Zaiyah's favourite blanket—the yellow one with a red teddy bear knitted in the corner—before going back to her bed.

She laid down in her bed, feeling tears roll down her temples. She cuddled the blanket close to her heart inhaling heavily in the blanket to soak in Zaiyah's baby, delicate scent.

She stared up at the ceiling, and cried herself to sleep.

Until hours later, she gasped in terror at the sight of a horrifying face above hers before she got hexed into a knockout.

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