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Kaimana Valencia | March 1996

It was great to know that Kaimana could still have that effect on a guy with fuck-me eyes. She hadn't done those eyes in over a year, so it was nice to know she still had it.

She really had no reason for doing those eyes on Draco. He was just standing there and she wanted to test it out.

Clearly, it worked since it left him speechless and with a hard-on. And it also gave her time to run away after she stepped foot out of the library.

The guy really just didn't understand what stay away meant.

"Kaimana." Kehlani's voice brought Kaimana back to reality.


"Can you do it? The ball dance routine with us?" Kehlani asked again.

"I can't." Kaimana shook her head. "I've got Zaiyah."

"Can't you have one of the guys watch her?" Kehlani asked, tilting her head with a frown. "McGonagall asked the four of us to participate in the main ball dance for the ball next week."

The four girls were in the Hufflepuff common room on a Saturday morning. Kaimana was trying to do some studying while Zaiyah was with Quinn in her dorm, both of them asleep.

Quinn had fallen asleep in Kaimana's dorm the night before because they were both studying for an exam for D.A.D.A.

She had asked him if he could watch her for a bit, he nodded, and he and Zaiyah were now sleeping on Kaimana's double bed.

"Did McGonagall ask any of the guys to do the ball dance routine?" Meleah asked, sitting on the floor and painting her nails a light purple.

"She asked Elijah and Flynn and Quinn, I think." Kehlani pondered for a moment, laying horizontally on the armchair, her legs dangling over the arm of the furniture. "She couldn't ask all of the guys since she also asked Potter, Diggory, the Weasley twins, Zabini, Malfoy, Nott, Dean, and I think that's it."

"Who else did she ask for the girls?" Aisling was sitting on the loveseat, a magazine in her lap.

"Granger, Lovegood, Ginny, Cho, Parkinson, Abbott, Bulstrode, and I think that's it." Kehlani was making anklets out of string.

"Look." Meleah shoved her hand in Aisling's face to show off her fresh nails. "Yes or no to the colour?"

"It looks nice with your skin tone." Aisling smiled, nodding indulgently.

Meleah smiled and went to paint her other hand.

"So, Kai, will you do it?" Kehlani badgered, her pale green eyes flickering up to said girl.

Kaimana drummed her fingers on the page of her textbook. "Maybe," she eventually said.

"I'll take it." Kehlani smiled lively and gave a nod.

"Mel, any updates with you and Luna?" Kaimana asked curiously as she scribbled some notes on her parchment that rested on one side of her textbook.

"I'm beginning to think she doesn't fancy me." Meleah's voice was small, but she was overly focused on keeping the polish on her nail as she painted.

"What's happened?" Aisling asked tentatively, veering her eyes to Meleah.

She knocked her head back against the cushion of Aisling's armchair after she finished her other hand. Meleah pulled her legs to her chest and rested her hands on her knees. "Well, for starters, I saw her talking to Zabini again," she said grimly. "When I went to Hogsmeade the other day to pick up another pack of thigh-high socks, I saw them canoodling on the side of the shop."

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