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Kaimana Valencia | May 1997

"NOOO!" Kaimana's strained voice was heard even by the stars.

Through her blurred vision, she grabbed her wand and fired six killing curses right at Fenrir out of complete and utter rage. Each green light hit him right in the chest and his heavy body thumped to the floor.

She was sobbing hysterically now as she crawled to her boy, who was flat on his back on the floor. She rushed to his side and palmed his jaw, forcing his head to turn for their gazes to collide.

Blood was oozing from his mouth, spilling down the corner of his lips. His chest had two large gashes diagonally across—from top right of his chest to bottom left. Crimson stained the chest of his black button down shirt and scarily pooled quickly to the floor in drips and drops.

He had dirt and dust all over him, but no other wounds. His pale blue eyes were sheened with tears, but he was smiling limply, revealing blood-sheened teeth. "I did it," he rasped. "I saved you from death."

Kaimana shook her head furiously. "Everything's fine," she managed to say through her blubbers. "You'll be okay. Just stay strong for me, love."

She waved her wand and muttered a spell for the bleeding to slow down, but it was impossible for it to come to a full stop. She brushed her thumb over his cheekbone in an attempt to soothe him as his weak and trembling hand rested on her lap.

"Kill him," he whispered unevenly, his chin quivering as a tear rolled down his temple. "Kill him, Clover."

"Don't talk," she demanded as firmly as she could even though her voice still faltered, "Don't waste your breath."

He inhaled a shuddering breath, his bottom lip shaking as he kept his eyes on her. Even when he was bleeding to literal death, his gaze was still heavy and loving on her.

"Help!" Kaimana cried out as she held his hand close to her heart. His hand was shaking viciously as she clamped it tight between her own trembling hands. "Someone, please!"

It felt like her heart was going to shut down. Her mind was running with too many emotions and it made her blubber louder. Tears spilled down her cheeks and her chest was stuttering. Air wasn't able to enter her lungs, only escape.

She made sure the area they were in was secure and safe—Draco wouldn't be harmed when she ended this. He would be fine. He was out of range.

"Kai!" Theodore's familiar voice flushed Kaimana with a tearful relief. "What—" He ran to them, Blaise and Pansy behind him.

"Help, please," Kaimana whimpered, her brows pinched into a frown. She was gripping Draco's hand unbearably tight between hers, close to her broken heart.

A sound of a strangled cry escaped Pansy as she dropped to Draco's side, grabbing his other hand.

"Holy shit." Blaise's eyes were bulging from his head when he saw the scene.

"Please." Kaimana forced herself to get her shit together to end this. "Stay w-with him a-and make him comfortable. Do— do not let him die or close his eyes or I will literally become your worst fucking nightmare." She pushed her lips to Draco's hand firmly and dipped down to briskly kiss his forehead before standing up.

The three other Slytherings did not know Kaimana was Draco's mystery girl, so they were stunned into silence, but crying as their best friend laid in his own pool of blood.

She felt unsteady on her feet, not even feeling alive. "I'm going to end this." Without waiting for a response, she limped off, her wand clutched tightly in her hand.

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