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Draco Malfoy | March 1996

You've done it before.

Kaimana's words were quiet, but he heard it loud and clear.

She was scared of him because he had hit her before, that was what she was saying but in different words. It didn't take a genius to put that together.

Draco remembered his stomach dropping into oblivion when he heard what she muttered.

He would never hit a lady. Never, ever. He was taught never to do so.

And he knew for a fucking fact he never laid a hand on Kaimana. Well, not in that context, but in another context, his hands were all over her.

But he didn't understand why Kaimana would say he hit her if he never did. He hadn't spoken to her since she stormed off, and Snape said she called off the tutor sessions.

Draco told Snape to let her call it off. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable by insisting he tutor her if she didn't want to be near him.

So Draco would give her space for now.

Scratch that. He wasn't going to give her space. No way in hell.

He was too curious and too taken aback to leave it like that. In fact, he felt a bit hurt that she thought he would ever hit a lady.

He was going to watch her and then find another right moment to approach her.

Draco left his dorm, glad, of course. He jogged down the steps of the boys' dormitory and then made his way to the Great Hall.


He stopped in his path and turned around. "Yes?"

A Hufflepuff girl approached him, looking beyond demure. She fiddled with the bangle bracelets on her right wrist. "I... I heard you and Greengrass broke up."

Here we go again, Draco said in his head and internally rolled his eyes.

"I was wondering if you wanted to maybe get a butterbeer with me at the Three Broomsticks after classes?" The girl's eyes were swimming with visible hopefulness.

Honestly, this was the first girl who approached him and offered a date rather than sex.

"We could talk, and get to know each other some more," she said softly, standing right in front of him. "I just— I wanted to give you time alone before I approached you."

Draco found it sweet as he briefly studied her. She had dirty blond hair that was pulled loosely into a French braid over her shoulder with baby hairs to frame her face. Her lips were thin and he saw a faint tinted balm on them. She had hazel lazy eyes that seemed gentle and sweet. She seemed around five-foot-five, and he already knew she was in the year below him.

He had no clue what her name was, but he said, "Sure. But don't expect sex."

Her face bloomed red like a tomato. "No, no— I— I wasn't— I didn't want— I just wanted— I-I wanted just a date," she stammered, and she looked even more sheepish and shy.

"Alright." Draco flashed her something like a lazy grin. "How does seven sound?"

"Perfect." She smiled and she visibly relaxed. "Meet you there."

He nodded and then walked off.

He wasn't lying. He was actually going to meet with her and go on a so-called "date" with her. He had never been on a date before.

With Astoria, he sort of just agreed to be her boyfriend.

Draco didn't plan to do much with the Hufflepuff girl. He was forward and said no sex because he wasn't ready and comfortable doing anything sexual. He didn't plan on kissing her either.

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