Chapter 1

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Tammy O' Brian


That's what I was, bored, and I needed something to do. Summer had just started, and my friends Charlotte and Toby were out of town on vacation.

"Mama, I'm bored, and I need something to do," I loudly said. Then I moaned dramatically as I flopped down on the couch next to her.

"Sweetie, go work on learning that song you've been complaining about wanting to learn on your guitar," Mama suggested as she frowned slightly.

Jumping up I said, "Oh, yeah, I totally forgot about that. Thanks for the idea Mama, I'm going to the park now."

Running to my room, I grabbed my guitar before moving swiftly out the door of our house. I then slowly began to walk to the park, taking in the fresh air and sunshine. It was the perfect day, not too hot yet and very few people around to distract me from my song.

So, after finding my favorite bench under a big oak tree I put my guitar on my lap and began to strum and sing a little.

"Ah, no, that isn't right. It's missing something... hm..." I muttered thoughtfully before trying again. After a few moments, I stopped once more with a loud huff. "Why can't I get it right?"

"Hello, lass, whatcha doin'?"

I jumped, a little startled when someone with a very thick Irish brogue spoke from my left. Looking up, I saw a cute blonde guy with an engaging smile on his face watching me. Wow, where did this guy come from? I don't think I've ever seen him around here before.

He gave me a slight wave.

"Oh, uh, just trying to get this song I'm learning down. Reckon I need to listen to it again before I can get it right," I said, finally answering him.

"Ah, well, I happen to play guitar verra well myself. If I know the song maybe I can help ya," he said with a smile, as he took a seat on the bench next to me.

Something about this guy had me liking him right off the bat, even though I had just met him. A feeling of trust bloomed inside me, so I gave him a nod. "Hey, that would be great. My daddy usually helps me, but he's workin'. The song is 'My Homes in Alabama' by the group Alabama."

At the name of the song, his face seemed to fall. It then took on a puzzled look as he asked, "What, by who? I'm so verra sorry, lass, but I have never heard of them."

"Wow, really?" I asked, slightly shocked at his answer. This guy can't be serious because I thought everyone had heard of the group Alabama

"No, sorry," he said.

"They are like a legend in country music though. Where have you been living? In a cave somewhere in Ireland?"

"No, I just don't listen ta much country music," he answered. Then he slowly blinked before asking, "Seriously, a cave?"

"Better than under a rock," I told him rolling my eyes. "So, what do you listen to?"

"Mostly pop, maybe a little rock," was his reply.

"Well, my little Irish friend, you need to be educated in the joy of Country Music. Lucky for you, I am the perfect person to help you, 'cause I know all the good ones. My name is Tammy O'Brian by the way, what's yours?"

"Niall Horan," he answered, giving me an expectant look.

"Nice to meet you, Niall," I told him as I stuck out my hand for him to shake.

Niall took my hand and shook it, still giving me a strange look.

I really don't know what he's expecting from me, maybe to jump up and scream or something? I don't know, I thought to myself.

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