Chapter 9

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Tammy's (POV)

"Mama, I'm heeerrreee!" I yelled as I ran down the steps and into the kitchen. Once there, I stopped to gaze in awe at the cake on the table. "Oh, Mama, you have outdone yourself. This is the awesomeness cake ever."

"Wow," Zayn said from behind me. Putting his arms around my waist he continued, "that is a really big cake."

I nodded my agreement because what he said was true.

The cake was made in a large rectangle that looked to be at least twenty-four inches long, and twelve inches wide; plus, it was two layers. The frosting was a smooth white, with red carnation flowers that were made with hardened frosting and had green vines flowing from it. Then on the opposite counter was a microphone and a guitar made of frosting also. Of course, Happy Birthday, Tammy was writing on it too. It was the prettiest and biggest she had ever made me.

"I love it, Mama. There might even be enough left over for everybody else after Niall and I get our piece," I teased her.

"I know Niall can eat a lot, love, but I think that would be even too much cake for him," Zayn said chuckling a little.

"I agree with Zayn, there will be plenty of cake to go around, "Mama said giggling a little to herself. "When are Charlotte and Toby getting here Tammy?"

Quickly looking down at my watch I told her, "They should be here soon. Hey, Zayn, you should call the guys over so they can all meet Charlotte and Toby before the party," I suggested as I peered up at him.

Zayn only nodded before he walked away and took out his phone.

While Zayn was on the phone Mama stepped closer to me and quietly asked, "Do you feel better now that he's back?"

"Yeah, I do. It's crazy, but I feel like a new person." Feeling my face heat slightly, I then admitted, "I told him I love him."


I looked up at her and smiled, "He said he loves me too."

Mama smiled. Then she pulled me into her arms for a hug, whispering in my ear, "I am so happy for you, baby girl."

"Is this for girls only or can anyone join in?" My daddy asked from behind me. Then before I could answer he had his arms wrapped around me and Mama, sandwiching me between them.

"I reckon anyone can join since you did," I replied as I tilted my head to peer up at him.

"Happy Birthday, my little lassie. Although not so little anymore are ye?" Daddy said as he moved away to stand gazing at the cake. Kissing Mama on the cheek as he wrapped his arms around her, he rested his chin on top of her head. "That is a lovely cake ye made us wife but are ye sure there will be enough? It would be embarrassing if ye were to run out afore everyone got a slice."

"Oh, you rascal! What am I gonna do with you being so sassy?" Mama asked as she turned around to gently slap him on the chest.

"Oh, I am sure I could find something for you to do," Daddy replied wiggling his eyebrows at her.

Mama blushed as Daddy leaned down to give her a kiss.

"Ahh... come on not you too!" At the sound of Mikey's yelling, we all turned toward the doorway. He was standing in the kitchen doorway, a disgusted look on his face and his hands on his hips. With a huff he continued, "It's a love fest, I swear it is. I'm not coming out of my room till I'm ninety years old."

I turned to Zayn, who had rejoined me after making his call, and wrapped his arms around my waist. Mama turned back to Daddy then we all busted out laughing.

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