Chapter 10

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Zayn's (POV)

Our time here in Alabama had flown by so fast and now I was at a crossroads. Tammy and I had spent every moment we could together this past week and had grown even closer. I loved her with my whole heart, but at nineteen was she ready to take that step and leave her parents?

Sometimes I saw her looking at me as though she were deep in thought. The scared part of me wondered if she was thinking 'is he worth it'? I know she is to me.

I just don't know how to ask her. I had talked to Niall, and he just kept telling me to follow my heart, it wouldn't lead me wrong. So, I decided to get one more opinion, it couldn't hurt, right?

I went to Liam.

"Hey, Liam, you busy?" I asked tapping lightly on his open door.

"No, what can I help you with?" Liam asked, laying aside the notebook he'd been writing in.

I sighed heavily trying to get my thoughts in order as I closed his door and sat on the end of his bed. "It's about Tammy."

"What about her?"

"You know I love her, and I want so badly to be with her, and not just in the physical way. I like talking to her, laughing with her, I even enjoy just sitting and holding her not saying anything. I guess what I'm trying to say is I want to marry her, to spend the rest of my life making her happy, but I'm scared, Liam."

"Why? Feelings like that don't come for everyone. Some people search their whole lives to find what you and Tammy have and never find it," Liam said as he moved to put an arm around me.

I looked at him. "But she's only nineteen and she would have to leave all her friends and family to go to England with me. Can I really ask her to leave everything she knows?"

"You're forgetting something Zayn. She loves you. You have become a big part of her life and she needs you as much as you need her. Yes, she will miss her family, but she can always visit. She will miss them, but she can't live without you."

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Liam." I gave him a slight smile. Then I walked back to my room and sat on my bed.

Lost in thought I almost missed my phone ringing. Picking it up I looked at the caller ID *unknown* Puzzled, I answered it anyway.

*me* "Hello"

*Caller* "Is this Zayn?"

*Me* "Yes"

*Caller* "This is Tammy's dad, Rowen."

*Me* "Hello sir."

*Caller* "We need to talk, meet me in the park in fifteen minutes."

*Me* "OK, I'll be there."


Fifteen minutes later, I walked up to the bench under the oak tree to find Tammy's dad already seated there. He looked up when he heard me approaching.

"Hello son, have a seat."

"Hello sir, have I don't something wrong, is Tammy okay?" I asked nervously trying to figure out why he had called me.

"Everything is fine, and no, ye have done nothing wrong. I just feel we need ta have a man ta man without others around. I understand yer leaving again soon?"

I nodded.

"Are ye planning on taking me daughter with ye? If ye are, a little heads up would be nice ya know."

My head jerked up at his question, what do I say?

"Ye look like a deer caught in the headlights son. Tisn't a hard question ta answer. I know me daughter thinks the world of ye and loves ye as a good woman should. I also know that if ye were ta ask her ta go she would say 'yes' in a heartbeat and never look back. The question is, do ye feel the same? Are ye ready ta ask her not only ta go ta England with ye but ta be yer bride and put a ring on her finger?" He paused just looking at me.

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