Chapter 2

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Tammy's POV

I am now employed at the local Dairy Queen.

Oh, joy.

Blah, it really isn't a joy, and it wouldn't have been my first choice. However, it got Mama off my back and gives me a little bit of spending money for the summer, so it isn't all bad I reckon.

Today I worked from eleven to three, short hours I know, but business was slow on Thursdays. So, when my workday was over, I quickly made my way home. Once there, I changed my clothes, grabbed my guitar, and headed out once more for my favorite bench in the park.

As I walked, I began to idly wonder if I would see Niall today. It had been three days since I'd seen him that first time, but no, I probably won't. Even thinking about seeing him again is probably wishful thinking on my part. Still, a girl can hope, right?

Shrugging off all thoughts of Niall as I approached the park bench, I sat down and sighed to myself.

What should I sing? I need an upbeat song to sing today.

I began to tune my guitar as I listed all my favorite songs inside my head, trying to think of the perfect song for today.


I stared off into space thinking about how lovely it was sitting under this old oak tree, and about meeting Niall... then started singing the first song to pop into my head. After I'd finished the first verse and chorus, I stopped singing then but continued to lightly strum as I hummed the rest of the song.

"That's a verra pretty song lass. Who is it by, and what's it called?"

Hearing a voice coming from in front of me, I slowly looked up. My hand hit a harsh note on my guitar as I stopped playing to see the blonde Irish boy, I figured I'd never see again.

"Niall?" I stuttered, not really knowing what to say. I then realized he had asked me a question. I answered, "It's Meet in the Middle, by Diamond Rio."

"Let me guess, country?" Nial said with a  smirk.

"Yeah, country. Is there any other kind of good music?" I asked in a sassy tone which caused him to chuckle. That's when I realized he wasn't alone today.

Niall had a curly-haired guy with him. I vaguely seemed to remember him talking about his friend Harry being the curly-haired one. So, I gave Harry a grin as I said, "Hello, I'm Tammy. You're Harry, right?"

"Yes, love, that would be me," Harry agreed in a slow, and very thick British accent.

Wow, he sounds like he had just stepped off a plane from England. His accent was exactly what I always thought a British person would sound like. So, not thinking how rude it might come across, I opened my mouth and said, "Nice to meet you, Brit. I feel like I know you already 'cause Niall talked about you a lot when I met him the other day."

"Brit?" Harry questioned, looking more confused than upset at my nickname for him, as he looked at me then Niall.

"Harry, just go with it," Niall said. "Not like it's the worst thing ye've been called."

"But why?" Harry questioned again, looking back at me for an explanation.

"Well, 'cause your British, and you sound like what I hear in my head when I think 'British'," I said in a rush, hoping my explanation wouldn't offend him.

"Okay, well, what about the other lads? They're British too," Harry commented.

I pulled my bottom lip in biting. He has a point, but from what Niall had said the guys are all completely different in their own way. So, no, Harry is Brit and that is that.

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