Chapter 7

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Zayn's (POV) Three Days Later

It was time for the lads and me to leave. There had been so much fun and laughter between us and Tammy. and so many late-night walks and kisses between Tammy and I, that time seemed to speed by. I couldn't believe it was already time to leave, and now we were saying our goodbyes. We had our luggage loaded and had to leave in the next twenty minutes or we would miss our plane.

"I'm gonna really miss you, Tammy," Louis said. "You're like a mini-me with boobs!"

"Thanks, Louis, and I'll just leave it at that because I have no words," Tammy said, as she gave him a hug.

"Ah... lass I'm gonna miss ya so much," Niall told her. "I didn't know having a sister could be so much fun."

"It's okay, Bubba, your family now, so don't be a stranger," Tammy said, holding Niall extra tight.

"It really was nice to meet you, Tammy, you are such a sweet girl," Liam added when it was his turn.

"Thank you, Liam. Don't let these guys stress you too bad, take time for yourself every now and again," Tammy said while hugging him.

"I think you are the only girl who doesn't flirt back with me," Harry said. "I am so sad."

"Sure, you are Brit, but I might have if it wasn't for that crazy hair of yours," Tammy teased running her hand through his hair, and laughing.

Then it was my turn. I pulled her to me and buried my head in her neck trying to be a man and not cry because I wanted to so badly. Her sweet peach scent helped calm me and I whispered, "I think I'm leaving half my heart with you, take good care of it for me, yeah?"

Then I raised up and looked at her beautiful blue eyes that were looking a little watery, or maybe it was just my tears that I was trying to hold in that made it look that way.

Tammy grabbed a hold of my cheeks and pulled my head down, placing her sweet lips on mine for a kiss. When she pulled away, she whispered, "Only if you promise to take care of the half of my heart that you are taking with you in return?"

"Always, love, always."

"Then, yes, Baby, I will," Tammy answered back.

"Zayn, we have to go!" Louis yelled from the SUV.

Snagging one last kiss, I reluctantly climbed inside the vehicle and Louis hit the gas. I didn't cry on the way to the airport. I didn't cry on the plane, but when I walked into my flat in London, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I tossed my stuff onto the floor. I walked into my bedroom, stripped down to my boxers, and fell sobbing onto my bed.

How was I going to survive two weeks without her? That was my last thought as I cried myself to sleep.

Tammy's (POV)

I watched the SUV disappear. Then I turned to run into my house and up the stairs to my room. Closing the door behind me, I fell sobbing on my bed. How was I going to survive for two weeks without him?

As my tears continued to fall, I heard my door open. The bed dipped and someone crawled onto it with me, then small, boyish arms hugged me from behind.

"Hey, Mikey," I managed to say. Turning in his arms I hugged him back, glad I wasn't alone anymore.

"Are you going to be, okay?"

"I reckon so, but this is going to be the longest two weeks ever. I miss him already and I want him back. It took all I had not to chase after him and beg him to stay, or to take me with him," I answered as I gazed at Mikey.

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