Chapter 21

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I am so excited. Thanksgiving is coming and Zayn told his Mama we would go spend it with them. There is something I've been thinking about though. I really want to see my family for Christmas, but our flat isn't big enough. Maybe it's time to talk about  moving.

So, when Zayn returned home that evening and we sat down to dinner, I decided to bring up the subject. "Zayn, I wanted to ask you something?"

Zayn glanced up with a nod.

"Well, I was thinking about looking for a bigger place. I thought it might be nice if Daddy, Mama, and Mikey could come visit for Christmas. Mikey will be out for the holidays, and it would be good time. Your family could come too, if they wanted and..."

"Love, slow down, breath, " Zayn said. "It sounds like a good idea, and I am all for it. I know a good realtor, and I'll get him to give us a list of houses to look at. However, first I think, we need an idea what we want so he knows what to look for. So, let's eat we can discuss that. "

I smiled and agreed, "That sounds great."

After we finished eating and cleaning the kitchen we sat down in the living room, and I took out a pen and paper. With my pen hovering over the paper, I asked, " Okay, so what do we want? "

Zayn shrugged.

"Seriously, come on you have to help." When Zayn stayed silent, I huffed. "Fine, four bedrooms, family room, dining room, and a fenced in backyard. Do we want a garage?"

Zayn smiled. "That would be nice. An attached one, so we don't have to run for the door when it's raining. A nice big porch would be lovely. Then we could sit and swing in the evenings when the weather is nice. What is the family room for though?"

"To set up for games and movies," I said. "So, it won't be like the last time the guys and Linda were over. Linda and I had to almost scream to hear each other over ya'll playing your games. This way ya'll can play in the family room, and we can sit and talk in the living room if we want, and everyone is happy little campers."

"Happy little campers?" Zayn questioned, but he had a smirk on his face when he said it.

I rolled my eyes at him, "At least I didn't say, happy as a little piggy rolling in a mud puddle!"

Zayn cringed and had to laugh at him.

"You do come up with some interesting sayings, my love. The lads and I never know what is coming out of your mouth next," Zayn said as he shook his head.

I laid down my pen and paper then scooted closer to him. Sliding my hand up under his shirt, and running my fingers softly over his chest, I leaned over to whisper in his ear, "How 'bout you keep my mouth busy then, and you won't have to worry about me saying anything."

Zayn groaned.

I pulled his ear into my mouth for a quick nip.

"Oh, you'll be saying something all right, my name in between moans," Zayn softly stated as he stood up with me in his arms. Then he carried me to bed, closing the door behind us.


The next morning, I awakened before Tammy, and lay there for a few minutes watching her sleep. I love my wife so much and she is so good to me. Tammy never complains when my crazy mates come over. She takes them all in stride most of the time, although she did get a little snappy with Louis a couple of days ago though.


"No, Louis, I don't like mustard," Tammy said with a huff, "and I don't want it on my sandwich!"

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