Chapter 3

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Zayn's POV

Niall and Harry were right, Tammy could sing. Her singing was beautiful, and so is she. Her hair was a strawberry blonde, it fell straight to her waist, and she had the biggest blue eyes. She wasn't really tall though, I guess she's what they call petite.

When she leaned against me to sing the last line in the song, it took everything I had in me not to grab her by the waist and bury my nose in her neck. She smelled like peaches, and I just wanted to breathe her in.

"Zayn, Zayn, Zayn? Are you with us mate?" Louis yelled.

"What?" I asked. "Sorry, zoned out there for a minute."

"He wasn't the only one," Louis snickered. "We wanted to know if you were going to play football with us. Now that we have explained to Tammy that soccer in the US is football in England," Louis said, obviously not for the first time.

"Yeah, yeah, count me in," I agreed. I then began walking toward the field where Niall and Harry were waiting for me and Louis.

Guess Liam was sitting this one out.

Tammy's POV

As I watched Zayn walk off my heart was beating so fast. Never has a guy affected me so much, so fast. He was most definitely all that and a bag of chips.

I sighed. I, on the other hand, am not and he would probably never even look at me twice. Oh, well, I can drool from afar, right? Not hurting anyone by doing that.

"So, Tammy, I'm Liam, but you probably know that already," Liam said catching my attention.

I turned to look at him. I bet he is the calm one, and just like that my mouth engaged and spit out my thoughts. "You are the calm one, aren't you? I mean, you seem like you would be."

And that was the start of my conversation with Liam.

By the time the boys had to leave I felt I'd known Liam all my life and could call him my friend. I knew the other four a little better through his eyes also. However, the one I truly wanted to know better was Zayn. So, now I just had to figure out a way to start up a conversation with him the next time I saw him.

Zayn's POV

By the time we got back to the hotel, after stopping to eat, I was tired, but my mind wouldn't rest even after I showered, laid down, and closed my eyes. All I could think about was Tammy, and how I really wanted to get to know her. We were only here for a short time, and I knew if I wasn't careful time would be gone, and it would be too late.

I wonder if Niall has her number. No, I haven't talked to her enough to call her.

Oh, but wait, Niall said she was working. Maybe I could just accidentally on purpose show up there. I need to remember to ask Niall tomorrow where she works.

With that thought, my eyes drifted closed in sleep with a dream of Tammy.

Tammy's (POV)

After the boys left, I went home to have supper with my family, and as we were sitting around the table talking about our day, I realized something I had never told them about meeting the five guys.

"Hey, everyone, you will never guess who I've met and made friends with," I said.

"Who?" They all asked at the same time.

"Five guys in a band called 'One Direction' Louis, Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Niall. They're from England, well, except for Niall. He's from Ireland. I'm telling you though, he sounds like he just stepped off the plane, Dad. He reminds me so much of Mikey that I tease him about being my brother from another mother."

They all laughed at this.

I continued with, "Louis is the funny one. He may be the oldest, but he is a kid at heart. Liam is the calm, mature one that keeps them all straight; the 'Daddy' of the group. Harry is what I think of when you think classic British, he has the accent and slow speech. He may be a flirt, but I bet he would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. Then there's Zayn. He's very quiet compared to the others, has that mysterious vibe going on. But they are great guys. I hope ya'll meet them before they go back to England.

Tammy's Mom's (POV)

As I listen to my only daughter talk about her new friends, I realize something, my little girl isn't little anymore. She continues to talk about the boys as we ask her questions about them, and I start to notice something else. When Zayn's name comes up her eyes light up, and her smile gets a little bigger. Hm, I'm going to have to ask her about that.

After dinner and clean up, I headed upstairs and tapped on Tammy's door. When I hear her call, 'come in', I open the door and step inside, asking, "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure, Mama, what's up?" Tammy asked.

"I wanted to talk a little bit about these boys you met earlier. It seems like you really like them and have become good friends with them in a short time," I started off saying.

"Yeah, Mama, they're all great," Tammy replied.

"I really want to meet this Niall fellow you have adopted into the family. After all, if I'm going to be Mama to him too it would be nice to actually meet him," I tease.

"Mama, seriously," Tammy laughs. "I'm telling you though, I do think in ten years or so Mikey will be exactly like Niall. I kid you not, it's the truth."

"OK, I believe you," I said. "Now, about Zayn, you really like him too, don't you? Maybe even more than the others. Perhaps you would even like for him to be more than a friend?"

"Oh, Mama, I think I do. I really haven't talked to him as much, but I want to because he definitely makes my heartbeat speed out of control. The thing is, they don't live here in the US, so I know they won't be here long," she answered her face flushing a bright red.

"Then baby girl, maybe you need to talk to him and see if he feels the same way before it's too late and he's gone," I told her. Then I stand to leave the room, closing the door behind me.

Tammy's (POV)

After Mama left the room, I brushed my teeth. Then I changed into my night clothes before crawling into bed. As I lay there, half-asleep, I began to mull over what she had said.

I really did want to get to know Zayn, to see if there might be more there than just friendship. It's kinda funny because I've never been a shy person, and yet just the thought of walking over and speaking to him set off the butterflies in my belly. I didn't want to wait on him to speak first because he might have no feelings at all for me, and I still want to know him even if friends were all we ever are.

So, if I see them again, I am determined to talk to Zayn.

With that thought in my head, I fell fast asleep with dreams of Zayn floating around.

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