chapter 1

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Kalyn pov

I took another hit of acid, i watched as the color of the world drained from my eyes. My painful memories were fading as was my mind. I was sitting cross leggged on the black shag carpet with my fellow druggies. It was a two story house, 8 rooms, and each room contained drugs of any kind. As for myself, I took whatever i could to get away from my homelife and abusive boyfriend. My home life fell apart after my dad passed away in a car crash on his way home from working overtime. He was hit by a drunk driver who passed out at the wheel. Ever since then my mother has drowned herself in alcohol and anti-depressents. Half the time she barely even knows im there, the other half is verbal abuse. As for my relationship, it began my senior year of highschool, he was very sweet to me but then pressured me into doing drugs and alcohol. He's took advantage of me several times, if i tried to get him to stop he would physically hurt me. I try to avoid him as much as possible. I try to only associate with him when i deliver his drugs and booze.

With the acid in full swing my mind told me to walk the streets and odly I was craving dougnuts. I threw my think army type jacket on and walked out the door with my phone in my pocket. As I was wandering the streets of Nashville, more like stumbling, i finally made it to a small doughnut shop with a few guys in there. I tried my best to walk normally to the register, "one glazed doughnut please." I said polietly. The cashier gave me a weird look before handing me my doughnut. As I was walking to find a table the guys that were in there were leaving and one bumped into me. I looked up at his face as he said sorry. We both stopped and studied both faces for a few seconds. He looked familiar but i couldnt put my finger on it. "Joey, c'mon we have to go." i heard one of them yell. "coming" the guy replied.

Joey, so familiar. I shook my head and sat down at the booth along the glass window and watched the guys leave as "joey" looked back at me. I watched as his eyes slowly got big and he fully turned around causing his friends to stop. I watched him as his mouth formed the word, "Kalyn". With that he had run into the store and stopped dead in his tracks with a mystified smile on his face. "Kalyn, is that really you?" he said to me. With my mind still weary from the acid it took a few seconds before i responded back as it finally processed in my mind that this was Joey Stamper my long lost friend. "Joey?" was all i could reply with before he engulfed me into a huge hug. His warm hug was welcoming as I melted into it. He pulled back with tears in his eyes, "I thought I would never see you again!" he said happily as i nodded and then began feeling light headed. "Kalyn, are you ok?" Joey asked searching my face for any answer. I was about to say I was fine before I fell into Joey and everything went black.

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