Chapter 3

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Kalyn pov

"So where too now, Joester?" I laughed slightly at my own nickname for him that I used to use when we were kids. "Oh, so you're bringing that back now?" Joey said as he raised his eyebrow and smirked as he was driving to God knows where. "Of course I have to bring it back!" I laughed. "If the guys hear you call me that i'll never get to live it down." Joey said as he gave me a slightly jokingly nervous glance. "If I were you i'd brace myself pretty boy!" I laughed, "So where are we going?" I questioned as I watched the various cars pass along the busy streets of Nashville. Joey just chuckled as we pulled into a mall. He parked the car and turned to me. "Since you're going to be living with me I thought we would buy you some clothes and other necessities while my bandmates' wives are getting your surprise ready." Joey said with a huge million watt smile. "They have never met me and they are already planning a surprise?" I said with a sigh feeling extremely unworthy yet grateful at the same time. "I have a feeling you'll really like this surprise trust me." Joey said as he sent me a wink before getting out of the car and opening my door to help me out since I was alittle sore still even after taking more pills that I probably shouldnt have but for right now they are helping.

        We walked in the mall, the first time where I wouldn't be stealing something. "Joey you really don't have to buy me anything." I said shyly causing him to look behind him where I had stopped walking causing him to stop and turn around to look at me before shaking his head and grinning at the ground. "Well, here's the thing, you don't really have a choice. Now come one and let's shop till we drop, and yes I totally just said that cheesy line." Joey laughed as he grabbed my hand and tugged me to the nearest store.

        We had hit a total of 10 clothing stores, 8 for me and 3 for Joey who got even more white shirts, not like he already has enough. "How long has it been since you've been too Starbucks?" Joey asked with shopping bags in his hands. "I've never been." I said with a shy smile as Joey completly stopped what he was doing and turned to face me with his eyes and mouth open wide in awe. "You've got to be kidding, I guess you not the typicall "common white girl"." Joey said with airquotes. "C'mon were going right away." Joey said as he looped his muscular arm around my tiny arm and started running for the nearest Starbucks Kiosk. He ordered for me and thankfully he has good taste. We drank our Starbucks as we walked to the car and laughed about stupid jokes we told each other. After we got in the car Joey was about to turn the key in ignition but stopped as he looked up at me. "Kalyn, I had a really really fun time with you, I missed you alot." Joey said as he grabbed my hand. I smiled and looked down before answering, "I missed you alot too Joe, Im excited i'll get to do this with you often but maybe not as overboard as you did for me today." I said with a wink as I squeezed his hand sweetly and gave him a sweet smile. He unconnected our hands to start the car and I grabbed the sunglasses that Joey had given me from the dashboard and placed them on my face. Joey did his differently he put them on his forehead then looked at me and pushed his head down forcefully causing the sunglasses to fall on his face and we both laughed out loud both ending up with our eyes watering. I haven't been able to laugh his whole heartedly in forever. As Joey started to pull out of the mall my thoughts trailed to how much my life was going to change for the better. I would no longer be having to worry about where I was going to sleep, when, where, and what I was going to eat. I didn't have to hold my tongue in fear of getting yelled at or hit.

        I peacefully watched Joey as he hummed a song from "Escape" and drummed his fingers on the top of the stearing wheel. I am ever so thankful for him that I can't even put it into words. We were about five minutes from home before Joey told me to open the glove compartment and to put on the black silk blindfold that was folded neatly in it. I gave Joey a suspicious look before putting it on causing him to smirk. He has an extremely bad habit of doing that. At least it's an attractive habbit. As I tied the blindfold over my eyes everything went black. "You better make sure I don't trip, Stamper!" I said sternly. I heard him laugh heartly. "Why would I ever let you fall!" I heard Joey say and I could just imagine the smirk on his face. I soon felt the car stop as I grabbed my phone. Joey intertwined his fingers with mine and put a supportive hand on my lower back to make sure that I would not fall. "Just go slow Joe, I have no idea where i'm walking." I giggled. "I got you, I promise." I heard him whisper in my ear causing me to shiver and blush. I could tell we were now in a house and I heard whispering then shushing then silence. "I'm gonna have to pick you up now so you won't trip up the stairs, is that ok?" Joey asked. I nodded then felt my arms being put around his neck as he gently and swiftly picked me up. His embrace felt warm and comforting. I rested my head on his shoulder as I felt his arms tense up as we went up the stairs. After a few steps he gently put me on the ground. I heard a door open as my blindfold was taken off.

        I couldn't believe my eyes. I was standing in the doorway of my newly decorated room. The room theme was light pastels. The walls were white and the bedspread and furniture were light pops of color. I covered my mouth with my hands as my eyes tear up. "Do you like it?" I heard Joey call behind me. I nodded as tears beaded strongly around the corners of my emerald green eyes. I ran to Joey and gave him a huge hug. He rocked me and stroked my hair as I lightly cried tears of joy and thankfullness into his white t-shirt. "I'm really glad that you like it, It makes me happy to see you happy." I heard Joey, his smile sounding through his words. Joey whispered once more in my ear, "There's some people i'd like you to meet downstairs." I nodded and  pulled away whipping at my tears. Joey extended his hand and I placed my small hand in his as he intertwined our fingers and led me downstairs to his living room where there was about three guys and 3 girls. "Welcome Kalyn!!" they all said enthusiastically. "Thanks" I said as Joey began to introduce me to them. As he pointed to each one he also called out their name and they gave me a hug or a warm handshake, mainly the guys gave the handshake and all of the wives gave me hugs. I already felt like I was apart of this big family. We talked and laughed and shared stories. Chad had ordered pizza which we practically ate soo much of we probably would have popped if someone jabed us with a sharp object.

        After two and a half hours of talking, sharing stories, and laughing to the point where we cried they left to go to their own homes. I checked my phone and saw that it was already 11:30. "let's get our bags from the car so I can help you put them away." Joey said as he threw the last pizza box away as I finished gathering up the paper plates and red solo cups. I guess pizza was a favourite among the Anthem Lights family. I followed Joey to the car and helped him grab all of the bags, which happend to be roughly more than 10. They were all filled to the brim. We only needed one trip from the car to the house but it took multiple trips up the stairs. Joey almost fell down the stairs after tripping over the bag he was tripping. I held in my giggle as we put the last of the bags on my bed then began pouring the out. Joey let me go to Victoria Secret alone because he said it was "a personal affair". I understood, and appreciated him letting me keep my modesty that I was slowly regaining. The Victoria Secret bag was put to the side for me to put away later. After several minutes of sorting and folding and hanging, we both got ready for bed. I got ready rather quickly and went to get some water from downstairs since Joey was still getting ready. I grabbed a cold bottle from the fridge. Joey had told me earlier to just "help yourself" to anything in the house. When I walked upstairs I found Joey sitting crosslegged on my bed in yet another white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. He had 4 dvds sprawled out infront of him. His hand was brought up to his mouth in a thinking manner. I sat next to him and watched him for five minutes before suggesting the notebook. "Thanks, I've been trying to figure out which one we should watch for like ever now." he said goofily as he got up to pop it in the DVD player. I grabbed the white plush  throw blanket from the chair next to my bed. Joey sat next to me as I rested my head on his should causing him to immedietly put his arm around my shoulders drawing me closer. I felt warm and protected, a feeling I haven't felt in years but never wanted to loose. "Thanks Joey." I whisered. "For what" Joey said as he looked down at me. I looked up into his crystal blue eyes, "For everything, you have been above and beyond to me ever since last night. It really means alot to me." I said. "You got to remeber that there is nothing I wouldn't do for you, If i had to jump across oceans for you I would, I have no limits or boundries." he said causing me to smile. I kissed him on the cheek as a thankyou causing him to lightly blush in the dim lighted room. I layed my head and tried to watch the movie but my eyes were growing to heavy. "Just go to sleep Kalyn, It's been a long day for you." Joey said as he carefully tried to get out of the bed. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back, "please stay Joe." I whispered half asleep. "fine, now go to sleep." Joey said as he pulled me back into his chest  and kissed the top of my head, and the last thing I heard before I  fell asleep was the steady sound of his heartbeat

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