Chapter 6

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Kalyn pov

It had been an hour and a half since Joey had left for the studio. I was still feeling butterflies from the events that had happened earlier today. It made me feel amazing that Joey had felt the same way that I have this whole time. I'll admit, I am a little nervous for our date tonight. Joey said he would be done in two and a half hours which gave me plenty of time to get ready. I searched my closet of something to wear but then stopped after the first five minutes for not knowing if it was going to be a casual date or a dressed up date. I decided to text Joey and ask him, "Hey, don't mean to bother you but is it a casual date or dressy? I got to make sure I look cute ;)" I hit send and smiled for putting a little flirty ness into it. Joey responded back almost immediately. "Hmmm, Fancy if that's ok with you? And you always look cute ;)" I smiled at his text and thanked him before plugging my phone into my speakers in my room and blasting my Spotify playlists. "Uptown Funk" played in the background as I choose my outfit. *cover photo* After I had chose my outfit I decided to get in the shower. The warm water calmed my nerves as the heavy scent of my vanilla body wash mixed with the steamy air. After my 30 minute shower, which I know is long for a shower but I haven't been able to have a relaxing shower in years. I wrapped myself in a towel as I brushed my teeth and put a moisturizing face mask on. I dressed in some pjs temporarily so I could let my facemask dry then do my makeup and hair.

I scrolled through twitter to find that Joey had posted a tweet tagging me in it, "Can't wait for our first real date w/ @Kalyn_Woods " I smiled and replied back, "I'm excited!!" After replying I read some of the things fans replied with, "It's about time Joey found a girl!! #happy" "Can't wait for a Stamper wedding!! #wishing" "He better post pictures!! #adorable" "With your tastes, I bet she's gorgeous." I smiled. One thing I had realized from Anthem Lights is that all of their fans are extremely supportive and I am lucky to be apart of this family.

I checked the time and saw that 15 minutes had passed and walked to my bathroom to remove my face mask. I then sat down to do my makeup and hair *cover photo* As I was doing my hair my phone lit up with a text from Joey, Hey we are going to get done alittle early at the studio be home in a half hour. Just thought I would let you know. Are you getting excited?" I texted back, "Of course im getting excited, it's not everyday that you get to go on a date with THE Joseph Stamper, I feel honored ;)" I could just imagine the smirk on his face when he texted back, "I'll let you get away with that one Woods ;) Be prepared to hear extremely cheesy pickup lines and jokes tonight ;)", "I've been prepared since I met you Stamper, now you finish at the studio and I'll finish getting all prettyfied for you!" I smiled after the text and put my phone down before putting on my attire. My phone buzzed almost immedietly with a text back from Joey, "I don't see why because your beautiful all the time. You don't even have to try. Whether your gonna be wearing sweats, no makeup, and your hair tied, or a glamourus gown with your hair and makeup done I will always see you as the perfection of beauty. I'll let you finish getting ready and I'll meet you in the living room since I'm on my way now. See you soon babe!" My eyes teared up after reading the texts and I had to fan my eyes so I wouldn't mess up my makeup. Not even Jack had said that nice of things, he would always question why I wouldn't have makeup or have my hair all nice and forced me to hate my natural self. With Joey I constantly feel on cloud 9.

I finished getting ready and heard the downstairs door close, "Kalyn I'm home!" I heard Joey shout. I could hear the smile in his voice as it boomed with happiness. "Be down in a few!" I called after him as I finished putting in some diamond earrings. I grabbed my small plain black satin clutch where I kept my phone, money, small perfume, and other necessities.

As I was walking down the stairs I saw Joey standing at the bottom holding a bouquet of roses. When he saw me his mouth dropped open and he started to blush. His eyes traveled every inch of my ensemble from my hair to the hem of my dress. "Wow, you look, just wow." Joey said as I reached the bottom of the stairs. "Its nice to know I leave you speechless." I said with a wink as I straightened his bowtie. "I remember back in highschool how you said it would be a dream of yours to receive a large bouquet of roses so I thought I would pick these up." Joey said nervously as he handed me the flowers. "I can't believe you remembered. Thank you Joey, they're beautiful" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking into the kitchen to grab a vase and fill them with water. I watched him out of the corner of my eyes as he blushed a deep red and smiled largely as he removed the roses from their packaging. I turned back to the vase I was filling up with water and smiled to myself as the dimple in Joey's face showed. I placed the vase in the middle of the kitchen table and Joey placed the flowers inside of it. They looked gorgeous in the crystal vase on top of the black table.

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