Chapter 4

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Kalyn POV

I woke up next morning in Joey's arms. It was a wonderful feeling to wake up too. I smiled as I studied his face that looked so peaceful, youthful, innocent. I wanted to do something nice for Joey, that thought was to make Joey some breakfast. I carefully got free of Joey's warm embrace and put a pillow in place of my body. I tiptoed my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I immediately looked into the fridge hopeing to find eggs, bacon, milk, and butter. All I found was water and a box of pizza that looked like it had been there awhile so I carried it to the garbage. After I had thrown away the soggy pizza box I leaned against the counter and thought about how I could get the ingredients. I had no way of transportation or money. Kelsey immediately popped into my mind. She was the closet to Joey. Since it was already going on 8 in the morning I went upstairs and borrowed Joey's phone from the nightstand next to the bed. Luckily he was sleeping extremely soundly. I hit the home button on his iPhone to find it, luckily, unlocked. I hurriedly searched through his contacts that only seemed to contain family and close friends. Kelsey was quick to find and I quickly sent her a message, "Hey it's Kalyn, I didn't have your number so I'm using Joey's phone. Do you think you could help me make a surprise for him?" I hit send and in about a minute Kelsey messaged back, "Sure hun!! Whatcha got in mind? :)" I smiled, relieved that I didn't wake her up, "I want to make him breakfast but he sucks at shopping and has nothing, could you possibly bring some eggs, bacon, milk, toast, and butter over?" She said she would be there in 20 minutes. As I waited for Kelsey I grabbed assorted bowls and pans. Within in 15 minutes I heard the door close and Kelsey came with a tote bag of ingredients. "Since I'm here why don't I help you make some breakie!" Kelsey said excitedly as she clapped her hands together. I studied all the ingredients before making my decision of who was making what. "Hmm, I'll make the eggs and toast and you can make the bacon and plate it." I said as I grabbed a bowl and started cracking in eggs as Kelsey grabbed a pan and started cooking the bacon. Soon after the kitchen was full of the bacon smell.
     I breathed in the thick smell and let out a sigh of content as I finished my eggs and handed them to Kelsey who was putting the strips of Bacon on a plate. After she had grabbed the pan from me I then grabbed the toast from the toaster, buttered it lightly, and put it on the plate along with a cup of coffee. I placed everything on a tray and looked back and smiled. "Thanks so much Kels, he's gonna love it!" I said as I gave her a hug. "Anytime hun, now that you have my number," she said pulling away with a smile and ponting her finger in my face, "I better be getting a call to hang out and have some girl time with you." "Of course!!" I said with a laugh as I walked her to the door. "Thanks again Kelsey!" I called after her as she walked to her car. "Why don't you and Joey come to dinner tonight at Caleb and I's house?" She questuoned /asked. "We'd love too, bye." I said while waving in my ugg boot house slippers.
    I walked into the kitchen to see Joey eating from the tray. Joey turned around sensing my presence. "good morning." He said through a mouthful of bacon as he tried to fix his messy hair with his free hand. "This was supposed to be a surprise for you sleepy head." I giggled as I walked to the fridge to get a cold bottle of water.
"You know you don't owe me anything. I'm doing all of this because I WANT to. I  want to see you happy and safe." Joey said putting his food down and his expression grew more serious. "Joe..." Was all I could get out. There he goes again leaving me speechless. "I'm serious Kalyn, I want to be able to protect you for as long as I live and I want to be able to fulfill your dreams. I'll be by your side through everything. I really care about you Kalyn." He said trailing off at the end and looking down. By now tears were streaming down my face. I didn't want him to see me cry once more so I ran up and threw my arms around his torso and buried my face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me till i was done crying. As I pulled away Joey took his thumb and whipped away the remaining tears and studied my face as I did his. I will admit that I felt my heart flutter and could feel a probably prominante blush spread across my face. Joey noticed my blush and smiled slyly.  "I should probably get dressed." I said then nervously laughed and started walking towards the stairs hearing Joey laugh "quietly" to himself. I just shook my head and smirked as I made my way to my room. As I walked in I found a note on my bed, "check your phone, joe". I walked over to my nightstand and clicked the home button on my iPhone. When my lock screen popped up it was a pic of me asleep in Joey's arms with the caption, "probably the most beautiful face I've ever gotten to know". I felt myself blush which I just smirked away and looked through my closet. I decided on wearing a white trank top with a cream cardigan and denim skinny jeans. I completed the outfit with a gold cross and white converse. I then did my hair and makeup which consisted of loose curls and very minimal makeup. As I put away it hit me. I haven't had one drug or alcohol craving since last night. I smiled at myself as I cleaned my room and then went downstairs to find Joey dressed and on his laptop. I sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder, "what's on the agenda for today." I said as I watched him scroll through twitter and interact with fans. "I'm free to anything." Joey said as he turned to me, "also your breakfast was amazing!" I laughed, "one of my hidden talents I guess." "I wouldn't lose it if I were you." Joey said with a wink as he replied to one more tweet then shut his laptop and placed it behind him. "Before I forget, were having dinner at Caleb and Kelsey's house tonight." I said before it ultimetly slipped my mind. "Sounds good to me. Hey, how would you like to have lunch on the beach with me today?" Joey said with a smile. "I'd love too, just let me change into shorts" I said while making my way upstairs. "I'll be in the car" I heard Joey yell from the bottom of the stairs.
   I hurriedly searched for a pair of lightwash jean shorts which luckily I found. I changed into them and grabbed my sunglasses and phone. I skipped down the stairs and closed and locked the front door of the house as I exited it. I opened the car door and immediately blasting music hit my ear drums. I winced and Joey immediately turned the music down and then started his usual apology which consisted of saying "sorry at least more than twenty times. "Joey its fine, you didn't deafen me." I replied laughing as I buckled my seat belt.
   It took about a half hour for us to get to this beach Joey said was quiet. What I mean by quiet is that Joey shares this beach with the rest of the guys, they rent it in the summer and split the bill among eachother. It was a cute mid size beach with white sand and a fire pit with wooden lawn chairs around it. "Its soo cute!" I said with a smile as I took off my sandlas that I changed into from my comvrrse. "I thought you would Joey said as he walked in front of me with a picnic basket and sat it down in between one of the chairs. I sat down as did Joey and he pulled his phone out and put on Pandora. One of my all time favorite songs started playing, "Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran". I immediately smiled and hummed along. Joey stood in front of me with his famous million watt smile and extended his hand and asked, "May I have this dance Miss Kalyn?" Flattered, I took his hand. He placed my hand on his shoulder and took my other hand in his as he placed his free hand on my lower back/hip. We stared into each others eyes as Joey sang along and we slow danced.
    Me being clumsy, stepped on Joey's toes multiple times. Joey just brushed it off with a laugh and would take it slower. He brought a lunch of several kinds of fruits and veggies. The sun was touching the horizon and me and Joey just sat in a comfortable silence.
   My phone interrupted the silence as I received a message from Kelsey, "dinner in an hour, feel free to come in sweats as it's also going to be a movie night." "I'm guessing that was Kelsey." Joey said with a smirk. "Yeah, she wants us there in an hour for dinner and a movie night. That means I able to get into my comfy clothes early!" I said happily looking over at Joey who was getting up and grabbing the basket. I stood up as well and Joey offered me his hand and I gladly took it as we walked back to the car and drove back to Caleb and Kelsey's house for movie night.

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