chapter 11

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Me and Donald prepared pasta together. I put the noodles in a pot of boiling water while Donald prepared the sauce. "What should we have for dessert?" I asked Donald while I stirred the pot of noodles. "Hmmm, I think I saw some blue jello mix around here somewhere." Donald said while he began flipping through cabinets. I had a thing for jello so I made sure we always had a mix or two on hand. "It should be in the drawer on your right." I said not even having to look up. "Found it!" Donald said causing me to smile as i heard him grab a bowl to start mixing it. "I'll boil some water for you." I said cheerfully.
Since it was around 6 we both had gotten in our PJs. I wore one of Joey's shirts with black leggings and my indoor ugg boots. Donald was wearing a blue zip up hoodie with black sweatpants.
After the water had boiled I poured the water into the jello mix and Donald stated to mix. I strained the now ready pasta noodles and added them to the sauce. As I waited for the whole thing to finish I got out a insulated casserole dish to put the pasta in to keep it warm before we left. "Jello will be ready in 20 minutes, I put it in the freezer so it would set quicker." Donald said as he grabbed both of us a cold bottle of water. "Well this was fun!" I said tiredly as I caught the water bottle Donald had thrown to me. "I can't wait to do this here more often now that your here, it's great having my sister back." He said with a playful wink as he casually leaned on the counter and drank from his water. "And it's great to have my brother back." I said as I walked over and gave Donald a hug before getting back to the pasta and putting it into the casserole dish. I zipped up the container and checked the time on my phone, 6:14. Only about 5 minutes left on the jello. We took that waiting time to clean the kitchen. I washed the dishes while Donald dried them and put them away. When we finished the kitchen looked spotless.
We took the jello out and I cut it in squares while Donald searched for paper plates and plastic silverware. After i was done cutting up the jello I grabbed a shopping tote and we gathered everything into it. We got on our shoes which consisted of Donald putting on tennis shoes and me switching into my outdoor uggs which were a bit more weathered. We got in the car and I texted Joey while Donald pulled out of the driveway. ("On our way! Hope y'all like pasta! Miss you babe xoxo.") I texted with a smile. Joey answered back almost immediately, ("Great! We were getting a little hungry! Miss you to babe! Think you would be able to stay awhile after dinner? I'd love for you to hear the cover that were working on! :) ") I smiled as I texted back, by now we were halfway there, ("You four are always hungry ;) and of course I can stay, when would I ever not want to be there to support u guys?! See you soon almost there.") ("See you soon then, but hurry Chad is getting a little testy with hunger.") Joey's text made me giggle. ("Don't worry, Donald's hungry too so I doubt it will take us long haha!")
I locked my phone and looked over to Donald who was drumming his thumbs on the steering wheel to "sugar" by maroon 5. It made me think instantly to Joey. No matter what song was playing on the radio he could always find the beat in it no matter how complicated it sounded to me. "What are you smiling at over there girlie?" Donald asked with a smile as he glanced over to me then back at the road. "You and Joey just have so many similarities it's not even funny." I laughed. "You used to tell me this all the time when we were younger!" Donald said with a smirk. "Still hasn't changed!" I smiled as he pulled the car up to a house which was pretty elabrote looking. He pulled into the driveway and right away I noticed Joey's car in front of us. "Were here!"Donald said cheerfully as he turned the car off. I grew excited as we walked up to the house with our totes. Joey meet us at the door to let us in. He hugged his brother and hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled as he took my tote bag and grabbed my hand as we walked through hallways until we came up to a frosted glass door that read, "private room 3B". Joey opened it to reveal all the guys spread out on couches chatting amoung themselves. I saw Kelsey next to Caleb with her glasses on and her Mac book open. "We have the food!" Donald and Joey said loudly then goofily bowed. Everyone's heads shoot up as we emptied the bags onto an empty table. All 3 guys engulfed me in a huge group hug. Chad lifted me off the ground in a hug. I laughed "Well someone's excited for food but they shouldn't be lifting me when they have to get surgery in a week for their foot." I said quickly since my air supply was getting squeezed out of me. I quickly got set down. "Yeah I probably shouldn't be doing that, I was just so happy the food fairy brought food!" Chad said in a fan girlish way. I gave him a weird look before grabbing him and myself a plate. "By the way, where's Fallon?" I questioned as I served pasta onto Chad and I's plates. "She texted me saying Beni had been feeling a little under the weather so she stayed home to give some puppy TLC." Chad said with a smile of adorment. "I guess I'll have to check in on her tomorrow and see if she needs help." I said as we went to sit down. I sat next to Joey and Chad sat next to me. "Were free tomorrow, why don't you come over and the three of us can do something together and let the brothers have some bonding time." Chad gestured towards Joey and Donald who were laughing next to us. "Sounds good to me!" I said with a smile.
"Let's say a prayer before eat." Alan announced. We grabbed hands with the person next to us and bowed our heads for prayer. "God we ask for your blessing of this food and these people. We pray you keep us safe and wealthy through love and happiness. We ask this in your name, amen" Alan prayed. A chorus of amens sounded in the room before everybody dug into their meal.
"I think this is one of the best pastas I've ever eaten." Caleb said through mouthfuls and he continued to stuff his face earning stern looks from Kelsey which made him slow down as he offered a look of apology. "Thanks, made it from scratch. Except The noodles, those were store bought." I said with a small smile as I took a bite. "I could get fat off this and not even care." Joey said as he closed his eyes with content as he smiled while chewing. I just rolled my eyes and continued eating. We talked about the up coming music that they were working on while we ate. Afterwards I gathered everyone's plates and had Kelsey help serve the jello cubes to everyone in plastic bowls. Soon after everyone had their jello, Joey had the amazing idea to challenge me to a contest of who could balance a cube of jello on their noise for the longest. "I have to get a video of this." Alan said excitedly as he hoped out of his seat and stood in front of us getting his phone ready. He gave us the thumbs up sign signaling he was ready.
"Ready stamper?" I questioned Joey sarcastically. He nodded, "I was born ready." He said boldly with a challenging smirk. We both grabbed a cube of jello and placed it delicately on both of our noses. The room grew silent as it filled with our concentration of winning.
I lasted 25 seconds before losing my jello because I lost my seriousness and started laughing. Joey picked up his jello from his noise and plopped it in his mouth before jumping up and screaming, "I WON! I WON!!! HAHA! YEAH!" he yelled through a mouthful of jello as he fist bumped the air multiple times. "There you have it folks, the jello balancing champion." Alan said in a announcer voice as I grabbed Joey's hand and held it in the air as if he just won a wrestling match. We all ended up laughing before cleaning up.
"Hate to rain on this parade but I'm pretty tired and have to let Romo out so I'm gonna have to call it a night." Kelsey announced. We all did a sad "aww".
"For the wonderful dinner tonight, Kalyn gets the first goodbye hug." Kelsey said as she walked up to me with her arms out. "Thanks for the dinner hun." Kelsey said while she hugged me. "Of course! Night sis!" I said as we pulled away. "Night!" She said before giving Joey the next hug. She then went on to Donald, Alan, then Chad. "I'll walk you out babe."Caleb said sweetly as his arm placed itself securely around her delicate waist. "Bye guys!!" Kelsey said as she waved before disappearing out the for with Caleb. We shouted "goodbye" while trying to harmonize causing their laughter to fill the hallway before the door fully closed.
I sat down on a couch while Chad found a stool next to the island that over looked recording booth. "So what are you guys working on right now?" I questioned as I took a sip from my water bottle. "Well we have to record my part so you'll get a sneak peak! You got the sound board Joe?" Alan said. Joey nodded as he sat down at an area of the island where it turned more into a table with electronic devices covering it. I watched as Alan walked into the both and closed the door. He grabbed the black over ear headphones that were sitting on the stool which he placed to the side. Once the headphones were on he gave Joey a thumbs up to cue the music. It soon flooded through surround sound speakers placed along certain areas in the room. I watched Alan get a feel for the music before he started to sing.
"Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones, but I will try to fix you." Was all Alan had to sing before I knew what song he was singing. He then went on to sing some chorus which the boys voices were added in so he could harmonize. I sat there watching with my eyes filing with amazement. "Pretty amazing getting to hear our music before the world does, huh?" Caleb asked with a smile as he sat down beside me. "You guys never cease to amaze me with your voices!" I said. Alan walked out from the both with a huge smile on his face. "So what did you think? Like it!" He asked. "Like it? I LOVE it! 'Fix you' is one of my all time favorites!" I said getting up to give Alan a hug of congratulations. "Well since the gangs all here why don't we perform the whole song acoustic for you?" Joey said as he grabbed two guitars, one for him and the other for Alan. "You guys would seriously do that?" I asked excitedly. "Now that we know it's one of your favorites we can't let you wait like everyone else." Chad said as he grabbed a bottle of water before him and Joey sat on both sides of me and Caleb and Alan brought up stools. I smiled as Joey gave me a wink with a smile once Alan started playing the first notes of the music on his guitar with Joey adding in. ***play video if you haven't already ;)*** I watched intently, being captivated as their eyes sparkled with every note they hit. I loved watching them do what they enjoyed most. Joey caught sight of me smiling wide and I saw from the corner of my eye him smiling softly to himself as he went back to concentrating on the strings of his guitar before he added into the chorus with his voice.
When the song ended I was in tears. "That was beautiful. I'm so proud of you guys!" I said as everyone got up for a group hug.
I looked around while Joey was putting the guitars back and it was Chad's turn to go in the booth. "Where's Donald?" I asked as I looked to Joey for an answer. "He told me this morning he had to get up early because he's meeting up with a friend tomorrow so he had to ditch early, he must of snuck out while Alan was in the booth." Joey said as he walked toward me before pulling me into a hug as we watched Chad do his thing. "You better be my ride then." I said in a fake stern voice. "I'll always be your way home babe." Joey said with a slight laugh as he kissed the top of my head. I sighed with content as Joey's grip around my arms comfortably tightened. "Well my work is done here for tonight, you ready to go home?" Joey asked as he looked down to me which in our case I was shorter than Joey, luckily I might add.
I nodded since I was getting tired. Joey waved to everybody as he intertwined our fingers together before walking out with everyone shouting "goodbye" to us. We giggled to ourselves.
The night air blew at our faces as we stepped outside. Cool and crisp. "Joey tonight was amazing!" I said as I gave his hand a loving squeeze. "I'm just glad I get to spend these moments with you again." Joey said happily with a smile as he looked into my eyes as we reached his car which he unlocked and helped me in. I couldn't help but to think back to my conversation earlier today with Donald. I decided to keep my mouth shut till we got home.
It took about a twenty minute drive before we reached the house. Joey had given Donald his room to stay in while he was visiting, he was suppose to be leaving tomorrow after his visit with his friend. We walked into the house and my conversation with Donald was just eating me up, I had to talk to Joey about it. "Joey can we sit outside and talk for a little bit?, I'm not that tired anymore. " I said. I could tell Joey was slightly concerned but nodded anyway. I slipped on a cardigan as we walked onto the patio and sat on the swing. "So what's up." Joey said calmly as he rested his hand on my knee since I was sitting, facing him cross legged. "It wasn't your fault that you couldn't find me all those years, it wasn't even my fault." I said. "W-what do you mean?" Joey asked confused. I looked away. "Once we moved and my father got killed in that car wreck my mother was never the same. She became an alcoholic and depressed. With the depression she also became verbally abusive. She began to brain wash me into thinking that there was no god. She cut off all my ways of communication with you. She burned the letters you had written to me and moved us to an apartment three blocks away, she blocked your numbers and your name on every social website we had talked to each other on. She ripped up all the picutes of you. She forced me into thinking you and your family never exsisted since you had such strong belief in god. She didn't want you to make me believe in god again.," by now Joey was in tears and so was I. I struggled to get the words out but Joey just grabbed my hand and urged me to go on. "I tried soo hard to not forget you, to remember every waking moment we spent together, but she found a way for me to forget. She introduced me to teenagers who sold drugs and forced them to inject what ever substances she could find to blur my memories. I became involuntarily addicted and soon I could no longer hold onto any memories of us. The seeped out of my brain with each poke of the needle into my vein. I tried so hard Joey, I'm so sorry I had to put you through soo much pain." I said through tears. It really hurt Me to relive my past. Joey quickly brought me into a tight hug as I buried my head into his chest. "Shhh I'm here babe, its ok now." Joey said soothingly as I could tell he was crying to but trying his best to hide it. "I put you through so much pain though, I had Donald tell me everything. I feel so guilty for making you go through hell." I wailed. Joey grabbed my tear soaked face and gently held it with his hands. "Don't you ever feel guilty, these pains were not your fault. I'm better now. We both found god and each other and I promise you will never have to go through hurt like that again. I'll never leave you, never." Joey said as tears streamed down his face. It broke my heart to see him in this state. I gave him a kiss before wrapping my arms around his neck and buried my face into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my torso and buried his tear stained face into the crook of neck. "I love you so much Joey." I said with my tears subsiding. "I love you most Kalyn." Joey said as he rubbed my back.
We sat in that same position for 15 minutes when we finally stopped crying. "Let's get you to bed before we become emotional wrecks again." Joey said as he pulled away and whipped my tears away with his thumbs. I smiled and nodded as Joey's crystal blue eyes finally cleared themselves of tears. Joey picked me up bridal style and carried me all the way up to my room where he took my cardigan off and hung it in my closet after tucking me into bed. I pulled back the covers on the empty side hinting to joey I wanted him to stay. "This can't become a habit babe." Joey said with a content sigh. ""But I like this habit." I said sleepily with my eyes closed as I felt joey lay by my side and pull me close to where I could set my head on his chest. I felt joeys chest shake as he giggled to himself before reaching over to turn the light off and wrap his arms around me as I fell asleep to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

A memory I wouldn't forget.

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