chapter 2

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Kalyn POV

I heard a muffled voice. I didnt have to open my eyes to hear the sadness dripping from it. "God, Kalyn needs you more than ever right now." It took that one sentence for me to realize that someone was praying for me, nobody has prayed for me in a long time. I squinted my eyes open slightly and saw Joey with his hands clasped in a praying position around my left hand. He place our hands on his forehead as his head was bowed. "This isn't her and I don't want to loose her after just finding her. I can tell she needs help but its only help that she can ask of you lord. I want the sweet, god loving, healthy Kalyn back. I can tell she has lost you. God if her having a better life means giving me obstacles I would gladly take them if it meant she won the world." I heard Joey pray. I studied his face through my squinted eyes and saw a single tear fall from his eye as his jaw clenched. I could tell he didn't want to show too much emotion in case I woke up. Some things just don't change about people and emotions with Joey was one of them. "God I'm begging you, please help her, I've been waiting to long for her to come back to just get up and leave again." He finished and bowed his head deeper concealing his face. I sharp pain in my stomach caused me to groan making Joey jump and he stared at me wide eyed as if he was waiting for a response. "Hey" I muffled out. Joey instantly relaxed as his grip lessend on my hands. "Hey" Joey replied back with a relieved smile. "Where am I?" I questioned as I rubbed my eyes with my free hand. "You're at my house, you kinda passed out into my arms last night at the restaurant. You kept coming in and out of it so instead of going to the hospital I just broght you here." He said as he rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand in a soothing way. "Joey I shouldn't have to be your responsibility, especial since I'm not the person you used to know." I said turning my face away in shame. "Kalyn, I'm here to listen to you and not judge, we've been friends since we were kids and I kinda want to know what's happened to you since we lost touch." Joey said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I swallowed my pride and told him everything. I told him about my parents, my boyfriend, and my substance abuse, all through which I talked shakilly trying to hold back tears. Joey just listened to me the whole time with a look of sadness, concern, and disbelief. "Is that why you passed out yesterday?" Joey questioned my calmly but concerned. "I took a hit of acid and lost control, this has happened a few times with meth and pot but with acid it's a first." I said plainly as Joey just shook my head and i had a feeling of what he was going to ask me next. "Have you lost God?" and boom Joey asked me the question that I hated to answer. It took me a few minutes, "...y-yes Joey, I did a long time ago." I said as my voice trailed off into a whisper. "That would explain alot." Joey muttered looking to the ground.

        I then told Joey, "I heard you praying, did you really wait all this time for us to find each other?" He looked up at me and sighed, "yeah, I tried calling your old phone a few years after you moved but you must of gotten a new one, I searched for you on social sites but never found anything. I soon just thought that someday we would bump into each other and until then i just waited." "You shouldn't of waited on me, especially since i've turned into a piece of shit." I spat feeling slightly disgusted with myself. He had waited all this time for the person that I used to be and now that he's found me i'm something he wouldn't even fathom getting involved with. "I'm here to fix you now, I'm going to help you overcome all of this and come back to the Kalyn i used to know. I did my best to give out a smile. "how long have you been sitting here?" I asked Joey shyly. He tuned alittle pink, "all night practically." A flashback of what I heard popped in my mind, ("Joey, you need your sleep, let me take over i'll let you know if anything new happens." a random voice spoke. "No, I'm gonna stay here with her, you need to go take care of your girls Alan and tell the rest of them waiting that i'll be fine and that they can go home and sleep, i'll call all of you when she wakes up." I heard Joey say in a concentrated tone. I heard a sigh, "Joey just call if you need us and shes gonna be ok, God's got this"  i heard footsteps then a new voice, "He's not giving up on her is he" "When you love something you fight for it" I heard Alan say and then I heard the door shut) "Kalyn you ok?" I heard Joey say as he was lightly shaking me. I shook my head trying to clear it, "yeah, just zooned out alittle, could we maybe have breakfast?" I asked. "Do you feel well enough to go out?" Joey asked concerned. "Yeah, but I'll need some clothes to change into." I said and with that Joey was already opening his closet and pulled out a plain white t-shirt and some sweatpants. "The sweatpants might be alittle big but they have a drawstring that you can tie. I'll let you get dressed, meet me downstairs when you are done." He said polietly as he placed the clothes at the foot of the bed and walked out of the room closing the door behind. I slowly crawled out of bed as my whole body slightly ached and so did my stomach. Withdrawl was just as hard as a overdose, maybe even worse. I didnt want to make Joey any more concerned so I went into the bathroom that was connected to the room and searched the medicine cabinet till I found some Advil and swallowed 4 pieces, immediatly my shaking had ceased as did my pain and the warm calming feeling of the drug was seeping through my vains. I walked back into the bedroom and changed my clothes folding them neatly ontop of the chair Joey was sitting in that was now moved back towards the wall. The sweatpants werent too loose since i tied the drawstrings and the shirt was nice and flowy on my small frame. I put my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed my phone that was thankfully charging on the bedside table.

        I met Joey in the kitchen as he was throwing away empty pizza boxes and paper cups. Joey saw my confused look and said, "the guys were worried about me and you so they came over we ordered pizza." "The guys?" I replied back with. "Yeah my bandmates and their wives." Joey said enthusiastically. "Were they the people with you at the restaurant last night?" I asked as I sat down in a chair around the counter. "Yeah, you'll probably meet them later today if your up to it." Joey said as he finished picking up the last paper cup and throwing it away. "I'm guessing they already know about me then." I giggled. "Well when they questioned me turning around and running back into the restaurant then you passing out, I kinda had to tell them our whole story." Joey laughed as he picked up his car keys. "You ready to go?" he asked jangling the keys in his hand. I nodded and we walked to his car. Joey being the gentleman he always has been opened the door for me and helped me in causing me to slightly blush. Yes, i'll admit it, i've always had a minor crush on Joey and he's not really helpin with being all extra sweet and crap. He got in and handed me sunglasses, "What is "Anthem Lights"?" I questioned as I read the side of the knockoff raybans. "Thats the band i'm in. Here's some songs that we play." he said as he opened a cd case with the word "Escape" on it and popped the cd into the cd player. A wonderful song started playing and I read the back of the case that Joey handed me since he was driving and identified the song as "Love You Like the Movies". Joey started singing along and even added in the side convos in the song causing me the giggle. The cutest thing was that when I giggled it caused him to smile even bigger and of course that famous little dimple showed.

        We soon arrived at a IHOP. "Is this place ok?" Joey asked as he was helping me out of the car. "Last time I went was when we still lived in Ohio and It was the summer of freshman year." I laughed since it brought back the found memories. We sat down and were given menus. "Soo what are you ordering?" I asked Joey since I haven't been to IHOP in what seems like practically forever. "I usually just get a simple stack of pancakes but I once got the ones with chocolate drizzle and that's what i've decided to get today." Joey said to me as he peeked over his menu with a small grin. "I guess i'll just order that then." I laughed. We ordered and started eating. "it's good right?!" Joey said through a mouthfull of pancakes. "First substantial meal i've had in years!" I said which caused Joey to grow a bit sullen. "Kalyn can I ask you a real quick quesion." he asked me with a serious face as he put his fork down and placed his hands in his lap. "Yeah Joe?" I said as I continued to nibble at my pancakes which was probably rude but I was really hungry. "For your safety, I think you should move in with me. After you meet the guys I guess you could pick one of their places, but for right now i'm giving you a free invite. I have a spare bedroom and we could decorate it however you like." Joey said. I placed down my fork and used my napkin to blot my face before answering, "If you think it's for the best, and since I have nowhere else to stay I guess i'll just bunk with you, besides we kinda lost touch for years soo this is kinda like meeting all over again if you really think about it." I said with a small giggle at the end causing Joey to flash a bright smile at me and give a slight nod before turning back to his pancakes.

I think Joey may have just saved me from a worser fate that was bound to happen...

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