Chapter 15

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"We got some time to kill before the show tonight, wanna walk around with the guys, maybe grab some lunch?" Joey asked as we sat on the small balcony we had as we drank our coffee. "That sounds really nice, I'd enjoy that." I said as I looked up at Joey from my coffee cup with a smile before taking another sip. "Ill text Caleb then and tell him we will meet him in the lobby in 20." Joey said as pulled out his phone from his hoodie pocket and started tapping on the screen. We had both gotten ready for our day rather early and grabbed breakfast at the hotels little breakfast buffet. We finished our cups of coffee and threw our disposable coffee cups into the small trashcan provided in our room before grabbing our jackets. I threw on a chunky knit scarf and a beanie since I got cold extremely easily. I loved being cold though. Wrapping up in soft, fuzzy clothes and blankets made me feel protected. Fall and Winter were easily my favorite seasons out of the year. They were the prettiest to me. We walked all the way down to the lobby hand in hand. Joey had so many amazing qualities that would stand out to anybody but one of the things that was my favorite about his was the way my hand fit perfectly in his. Not to large and not to small. Like a key and lock.

We reached the lobby and saw our group talking amongst themselves. I quickly looked at my phone to see the time, 12:30. "We're here." Joey spoke up as we walked up towards the group. they directed their attention towards us and all had smiles. Then we were off, the crisp air flowing lightly through my dark blond hair and causing my pale cheeks to grow rosy. We went to many cute little shops we found as we walked and ended up stopping at a sandwich shop for lunch. I ordered an Italian melt and Joey had the same. After we all ordered we sat down and began to eat and talk. Our next stop was an art museum. I always loved going to museums as a kid which made me even more excited. After we ate we walked to the museum and bought tickets. Once inside I marveled at all the artwork that lined the walls and structures of art sitting on podiums in the middle of each large area that we walked. I was mainly a fan of the Van Gogh exhibit. We easily spent 3 hours in their. They had three levels of art. I was surprised at how much Joey seemed to be enjoying it. After I had moved to Nashville I tried to get all my guy friends including my ex boyfriend to go, when I finally begged hard enough they would go but never respected it as much as I did making the trip a waste. I was beyond happy that Joey was taking interest and being very respectful. He knew how to compose himself well. Chad looked at his phone as we walked out of the art museum. "We got two hours before the concert. that means we will only get an hour of leisure before having to head the venue to practice and set up for an hour." Chad said. We all let out a sigh but nodded and started walking back the direction in which we came. "Do you guys always have to get to your venues an hour before you actually perform?" I questioned as I wrapped my hand around Joeys bicep as we walked towards the hotel. "Yeah. If we have a shorter set list or only have to perform one or two songs like at a festival or something then we don't have to arrive as early. Management likes us to be able to go through our entire set list at sound check at least once before we perform. The length of our sound check determines usually how long we perform on stage for. Meet and greet times always depend on how long people like to talk. We usually have at least one security guard to keep the line going at a relatively controlled pace. "A lot more goes into this then I thought." I said as I let out a sigh understanding why Joey would come home so tired after a group vocal practice session. "You sure you're going to be up for it?" Joey asked me. "Totally, I've never actually been to a concert so I'm pretty excited." I said with a smile.

It took us a 20 minute walk back to the hotel. When we got back to our room I had Joey take a nap before he had to get up to go to the venue. "But Kalyn, I'm not tired." Joey protested crossing his arms over his chest. "And I'm telling you that you will thank me later. I'm not taking no for an answer now go to sleep." I said to Joey with a stern voice. "Fine but I'm using you as a pillow." Joey said with a smile as he layed down putting his head in my lap. "You know your really beautiful Kalyn, I'm a lucky guy to have you." Joey said as his light blue eyes met my vibrant emerald ones. I smiled as I lent down and kissed his lips. "I'm more lucky to have you, now will you please go to sleep?" I asked with a small laugh at the end. "One more kiss, then I can." Joey said with a smirk and his eyes closed. I smirked and leant down once again to kiss his lips. His hand made contact with the back of my head as he gently pushed me into the kiss. Once we pulled apart he had the biggest smile on his lips. "Better?" I asked humored. "Much." Joey said. I lightly laughed as I stroked his hair and watched him fall asleep. I turned the TV on and found that "Criminal Minds" was on and quickly turned it on. It had always been my favorite show ever since I was 18. I got through the first 30 minutes of the episode before deciding to wake Joey up in case he needed to freshen up. "Joey, you need to take a shower, you got a half hour before you need to go. I'll pick you out an outfit." I said as Joey began to open his eyes and smile. "Its always amazing to wake up to a beautiful face." Joey whispered still trying to find his voice from being asleep. I kissed his forehead before carefully getting up and grabbing his hands. "C'mon babe let's get you up." I said as I lightly pulled Joey up. We walked over to Joey's suitcase. "You guys have any type of color scheme for tonight." I asked joey. He replied back with, "Just the usual, black." Joey said I picked him out a black t-shirt, his black jeans with the rips in the knees, and some black shoes. I handed to Joey. "I'll be out in 15 minutes." Joey said as he kissed the top of my head before walking into the bathroom. I turned on criminal minds in the bedroom to continue watching it as I changed my clothes while Joey was in the shower. Afterwards I sat cross legged on bed as I continued to watch the episode as Joey came out of the bathroom in clean clothes and damp hair. I pointed towards my head and gave a questioning look. "Don't worry it will dry before we perform and I always bring hair gel to style before I go on. " Joey said with a smile as he grabbed his shoes and sat next to me as he put them on. I sighed a sigh of relief. He may look fine to me with wet hair but others may see it as unprofessional or greasy either one. "He grabbed his hair gel and leather jacket before walking out the door with me wrapped around his arm.
"Where's everybody?" I questioned looking into the lobby as we walked out of the elevator. "Already in the bus." Joey answered as he opened the doors for me to the hotel. We excited and entered the bus which was in the bus parking garage. We were greeted with hellos as we sat down. The ladys were dressed nicely and casual as were the guys. "You ready Kalyn?" Alan asked me as he handed me a VIP pass on a lanyard that all the girls were wearing around their necks so I followed suit. "I really am! Mainly for the fans getting to meet me for the first time!" I said as I grabbed Joey's hand and intertwined our fingers together. "My twitter has been blowing up with question on if your gonna be there. People really want to meet you babe." Joey said with a smile. "Well I don't wanna steal your spotlight." I winked at Joey and laughed.
It took 15 minutes to get to the venue. We all helped the boys bring in their stuff from the bottom of the bus. It took two trips from the bus to the stage but we finally got everything there and set up with the help of the tech crew and stage crew. "Cmon let's get some seats and watch the soundcheck. They always section are seats off, lucky for us its front row." Fallon said with a wink and smile. I followed Fallon with the Kelsey following me. We sat down and watched as the boys took their spots in stage. The lights dimmed and the stage lights intensified. Spot lights were put on each of the guys. The soundtrack started to play for "top of the world" and with that the boys were singing. I have never seen them perform on stage. They were so into it. Almost as if they were all one. I couldn't even begin to imagine how much more amazing they would be with a full venue. They sold out their entire first leg in three days. I was extremely proud and still am. They finished their set list in 45 minutes leaving 25 minutes before show time. We met up with the boys backstage. "That was so amazing!" I said running up to Joey putting my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist. "Thanks babe, can't wait till you see the real deal." Joey said asfter he kissed me. "I can't wait either." I said with a smile before kissing him again. He smiled at me before holding his arm out for me to link with as we walked back to the changing rooms which had couches and water. When we walked in Alan was skyping with his kids and wife on the laptop as Fallon and Kelsey were talking and Chad and Caleb were in an arm wrestling match which Chad was dominating in. "Typical." Joey said with a small laugh as he led me towards an empty couch. "Do you ever get nervous?" I asked Joey trying to make small talk. "Sometimes but after I get up there it's like I'm home." Joey told me as his eyes lit up talking about it. A smile appeared on his face. "This is the first concert you get to see me preform at. The first concert I can sing to the girl of my dreams." Joey said, his smile growing bigger. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "How were your concerts before me." I asked wanting to know if Joey was searching for me across the crowd. "I had always wanted to sing for that someone special, of course you were always in my mind. I would usually scan the crowd for you. Even the meet and greats and soundchecks that we would let VIP ticket holders attend. Even though I never found you I just kept doing what I know best, sing." Joey said as he squeezed my hand tighter as if he were dreaming and wanted to make sure this was reality. "You'll never have to search the crowds again." I told him as I placed my hand on his cheek. He smiled and kissed me softly. I smiled after we pulled away and leaned my head on his shoulder as we watched everyone else, content in our shared silence. After 10 minutes the stage manager came in for curtain call in five. The boys all got up and started for the door. "You forgot something babe!" I called after Joey pulling him back. I kissed him before he could even think causing him to blush deeply after pulling away. "Go make me proud babe." I said letting him go. He smiled widely at me before hurriedly walking out the door. "Ready to get our seats?" Kelsey said grabbing her phone. We nodded as we followed her out the door.
We navigated the dark maze of the backstage area with some what of ease. We walked to our seats and sat down. A loud murmur was rolling off the crowd. After a few seconds of sitting in the dim lighted seating area I felt a tap on my should causing me and the girls to turn around. Behind me was a young girl that looked like she was around 11. She was with two friends and her parents. "Sorry to bother you but arnt you Joey's girlfriend?" She asked shyly with a wide smile on her face. "Happily am!" I replied to her with a smile. "Your so much prettier in person, no wonder Joey likes you so much. Would you mind taking a picture with me and my friends?" She asked as she held up her camera. "Sure!, Fallon would you mind?" I asked passing the camera to her. "Gladly!" Fallon said sweetly as she grabbed the camera and I knelt down so I could fit all the girls in the picture. "Say anthem lights!" Fallon said with a laugh. "Anthem lights!" We all said through laughter as she took the picture and handed the camera back to the girl. "My names Kelly. These are my friends a Alex and Jocelyn." She said as we shook hands. "Well it was very nice to meet you girls. You might be able to catch me at the meet and great afterwards if you wanna stop by." I said with a smile feeling happy that the fans loved me so much. "We are definetly stopping by now. Maybe get a photo of you and Joey." She said with a wink. "Anything for a sister." I said with a wink as the lights went dark and music started to play as curtains rose. Instantly screams filled the entire venue. Joeys eyes instantly locked on me. "Chicago get ready for some music!!" Alan yelled excitedly into his mic as he fiddled with his in-ear. The crowd went crazy. "Tonight were gonna start off with one of your favorites, can you guys tell us the name of this song?" Joey said through his mic. There was allot of answers but the most prominent was "top of the world". "That's right everybody it's top of the world. And we hope to make you guys feel like your there tonight." Caleb said into this mic. Music stated. "Hit it Joe!" Chad said pointing at Joey. Joey began singing his gaze mainly on me smiling the whole time.
They went through all their set list except for the last song as the lights changed to a light blue backlights and more intense spotlights. "We choose this song with all of our lovely ladies in our life and new addition Kalyn who is dating our beloved Joey. Can we give around of applause for the three beautiful ladies who put up with our craziness in the front row." Alan said gesturing towards our seats as our faces were put on the monitor. We received a huge round of applause as we turned to the crowd and blew kisses at them. "And since they are just as silly as us we thought we would sing a song for you that was so fun to put together. Here you go guys." Alan finished as the took their places on the stage as the soundtrack for "that's what I'm looking for" started to play and loud cheering irrupted along with laughs as the boys were being them selves on stage adding the little side convos that were originally recorded. Every time the chorus would play and the "that's what I'm looking for" sentence would hit the boys would point to us.

"Chicago you have been a wonderful audience, can't wait to come back to you. Thanks for being an amazing crowd to start this tour off." Caleb said as he and the boys stated waving. "We love you guys, goodnight." Joey said into his mic before the boys took one final bow and exited the stage. Us girls ran to backstage and hugged every body to congratulate them. "You did so good babe!" I said hugging Joey. "I'm all sweaty babe." Joey said with a laugh as he hugged me back. I pulled away but still had my arms around his waist as he kept his at mine. "I don't care if you had mud all over you." I said with a laugh. "This is why I love you." Joey said with a large smile before kissing me passionately. "Hate to break you to love birds up but we have to cool down a little before meet and greet. Plus we have to do touch ups." Caleb said to us as me and Joey pulled apart with our faces red. "Touch ups?" I questioned as Caleb walked away. "Yeah we have to wear some foundation and fix our hair so we always look blemish free and non frizzy." Joey said rolling his eyes as we linked arms and walked back to the dressing room.
I helped him touch up his face and hair along with Alan's since Brycie wasn't here to help him. "Thanks Kay." Alan said giving me a kiss on the cheek before getting up and getting a water. I went back to Joey who was on his phone. "Guess you got to talk to some fans." Joey said with a smile as he showed me a picture of me and the girls that were sitting behind me. "Yeah they were really sweet." I said as I sat next to Joey and watched him scroll through the comments that were mainly, "I want a pic with Joey's girlfriend.". "Guess we know who the popular one in this relationship is." Joey said with a smile as he slipped his phone into his pocket. "Oh stop it, your way more popular than me. Thousands of girls still hope their dream comes true of marrying you." I said with a laugh. "Well I hate to brake it to them but I'm already committed to someone for the rest of my life." Joey said with a shrug. I just laughed and kissed him on the cheek as we waited for everyone to finish their touchups.
"Whew, that meet and great was crazy." I said to Joey as we walked into our hotel room. "They have always been this crazy, each show they get bigger!" Joey said with a smile as the set his jacket on the small counter to the kitchenette. "Well I'm glad that you get to do what you do. Not everybody gets to live their dreams." I said to Joey as I opened the balcony door and walked out on it clutching my cardigan closer. "Not many people say that they can wake up to their dream every morning." Joey said walking up next to me with my throw blanket and wrapping it around my shoulders before wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on my shoulder. "Ever since we found each other I've started to look at the world differently. I look forward to each day with you cause each day brings a new adventure. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm really thankful that God placed me in your arms again Joe, I'd be lost without you." I said as we both kept out gaze on the lighted up city. Joeys arms wrapped tighter around me. "I love you to." Joey said with a laugh as he kissed me cheek. We stared at the skyline until we both got sleepy and went to our beds where Joey tucked me in. "I love you Kalyn." Joey said with a smile as he stroked my hair as I began to fall asleep. "I love you more." I whispered as I felt joey kiss the top of my head before feeling him get up and hearing the lights click off before I got swallowed into darkness and let my dreams run free in my mind.

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