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I was sitting on my bed with Mallory. I knew this was a dream but, I just wanted to see her again.

Mallory hasn't said a word. I looked at her and was about to get up until she got up first. She walked into Sonny's room as I followed. Sonny wasn't in there. She opened up the window and climbed out. I did too.

She stood on the thick ledge as I did as well. I looked down. We were really high up, were on the nineteenth floor.

"...what now?" I asked.

Mallory smirked. "Jump"

I looked down again. "...what?"

"Jump. You deserve it, you could of saved me, you could of forced me out of the house, but you were selfish. You didn't want to be alone. My death is and was always your fault. You don't deserve a brother like Sonny. You deserve death by suicide. You killed more people then you should have. You disgust me. I hate you, your ugly, worthless, selfish,pathetic, stupid, and heartless. But don't blame me, im only doing everybody a favor. Don't you get it? Just jump so you can burn in hell with me. Because no ones ever going to love you, your a mistake. Your weak. So do Sonny, Crystal, me and yourself a huge favor, and Jump."

"It wasn't my fault...."

Mallory laughed. "Yes Ellie, it was."

I took a deep breath. "See you in hell Mallory" and took a few steps forward until I felt myself falling.


I screamed as loud as I could and threw my covers off of my bed and looked around the room I was in. I couldn't process what was going on so I kept on breathing heavily as I felt tears coming down my face.

Sonny ran in my room and got the idea of what was going on. He sat down on my bed and he hugged me as I hugged him back.

I was breathing heavily as Sonny calmed me down. "Now do you want to tell me what happened?"

"I had a nightmare, Mallory said that im going burn in hell, that its all my fault. I don't deserve you, you never loved me. No one ever loved me. I deserve to die. I deserve to commit suicide. Im worthless and stupid and ugly and pathetic.... Im weak...I would be doing a favor... if. ..if I just jumped. If I just ended it all..."

Sonny looked into my eyes. He gave me a stare that sort of said that he was paying attention. That he understood. "She's right about one thing..... You don't deserve me. You deserve better than me. I'm a crappy brother. I love you, your not weak. Your a strong, smart, big hearted, caring, Beautiful young girl. Your also my sister. If you die I die."

"Sonny your not crappy, I love you too, your an amazing brother, your all I could ever ask for."

Sonny then felt my forehead. "Ellie Oh my God your burning up. Let me take your temperature. "

With that, he walked out of my room to find a thermometer.

What a nightmare. Or Maybe Mallory's right.


This is so cute. Sooooooo cute. I love Sonny and Ellie. The best siblings in the word of wattpad.


Sanity (Part two of Adopted)Where stories live. Discover now