Its Our Mother

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Sonny came back in my room with a thermometer and took my temperature. When he saw it he almost flipped out.

"102.8 Ellie! What happened?"

I shrugged. I started to get a huge headache. Maybe the fever was just kicking in. I felt fine until Sonny pointed it out.

"Ellie, do you feel okay?"

"Sort of."

I could tell Sonny was very Confused. I could also tell he wasn't going to let this go.

"My bed is way bigger than yours. Im usually up working all night and if im not I sleep with my head on my desk. I never sleep in my bed. I haven't in a long time....sleep in my bed, I won't make any noise or bother you."

"Sonny I have my own bed..."

"Yea I know, but its colder in my room. Its really hot in yours."

I shrugged.

"Just come on"

I got up and went into Sonny's room and onto his bed. He was right. It was colder and better. Sonny sat down near his desk and started Writing. "Night Ellie "



I woke up to the sound of ringing. It was midnight and I was surprise to see Sonny still up Writing. Sonny looked at me and got up. Before he could do anything I answered the phone.


"Hi honey, sorry to wake you, are you feeling any better?"

"For the love of God stop calling me."

"I'm suppose too. I'm your mother."

"Leave me alone."

"Can I talk to Sonny at least?"

I looked at Sonny who was clueless. "Who is it?"

"Its our mother"



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