Happy Birthday Crystal

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I looked at Sonny in confusion as he looked at me in the same way.

"So, that's how I got my fever....from the poison?"

"Yep, you should be feeling better right about now. "

Sonny looked at me as I nodded. I took the phone out of his hands and hung up.

"...that's our mom?"

I shrugged and put the phone down. I got up until Sonny stopped me and felt my forehead. He nodded and I got up and went into my own bed and slept there for the night.


I got up and got dressed and put my coat on.

"Where are you going?"

I didn't know Sonny was awake. "Im going to see Crystal."

Sonny got up and felt my forehead. "Your not burning up, but should I Take you to the hospital...?"

I shook my head quickly and rushed out the door.


I waited outside the building for at least thirty minutes.

I finally got a call from her.

"You and Sonny need to drive me to the hospital I'm in labor, hurry."

I screamed. I don't know if it was out of excitement or fear. "Okay " I said as she hung up on me.

I called Sonny.

"Ellie, are you okay?"

"Sonny! Get down here, we need to pick up Crystal and drive her to the hospital right now!"

I heard Sonny screaming in the background as I hung up. In a matter of seconds Sonny ran out of the building and ran into his car. I ran in too as we raced to her apartment.


When we got there we saw Crystal and two random people trying to help her stand. They got her in the car as I tried to get a good look at one of the people.

When I did, I realized it was the girl who claimed to be my mother. Alejandra I think her name was.

I didn't really want to pay attention to that, I wanted to pay attention to the baby being born. "Ellie!"

I darted my head at Crystal. "What."

"I want you to be the Godmother of the baby..."

My eyes widened. "Uh, Yea uhm... yea "

"Ellie don't be scared to. I know its a big responsibility but you can handle it."

I nodded. I tried to get her mind of the labor thing

"So what are you going to name it?"

"If its a boy, Gregory, if its a girl, Eleanor... "

I was about to say something but then something else popped into my mind. The reason why I was meeting up with Crystal is because today is her birthday.

"Crystal....today your 24...."

"Oh Yea....I am"


We got to the hospital as we helped Crystal was there. When we got in two of the nurses knew exactly why we where here because they took Crystal and put her in a wheel chair.

"Labor right?"

I nodded. "She seems to be having- "

She finished my sentance, "A bad one I know sweetie, She'll be out in a few hours."

She grabbed my hand. "Come on I'll bring you to the special waiting room. Where you can Wait for her alone okay? Have some time to yourself. "

I glanced at Sonny. "Can my brother come?"

"Sure sure fine, come on"

She lead us to a bright white room. It was only me and Sonny. And two other men. I sat next to one as he looked at me. "Hi."

I glanced at him and looked down. "Uh, Hi"

"What's your name?"

"Ellie.. "

"Hi Ellie, Im Brenden."

I nodded. "Im going to be a dad, who are you going to be? Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Uh, congratulations... and im going to be a Godmother and an.... Aunt, and its surprise."

Thought about what I said. Crystal still doesn't know that im her sister. I didn't tell her yet. I guess I have to tell her now.


Its been three hours. Im getting a little worried.

Brenden already left with his wife and his just born son.

Then a man in white came in. "Ellie?" I stood up and nodded. "Come here"

I came to he man as the man knelt down. "Crystal....she had a baby girl...."

I smiled. But the man didn't. "But Crystal is Dying Ellie. She is going to die."

The man didn't say a word more as he just opened the door for me into Crystals room. The baby wasn't in there.

Crystal looked like crap. Im not going to lie. I wanted to tell her right now. Because if she doesn't know im never going to forgive myself.



I nodded. "Crystal im... "

Crystal nodded. "Your my sister I know. Mallory told me"

"Ellie take care of Eleanor.... Please. When she grows up tell her I love her, and tell her your the reason why she grew up to be so perfect. Dont let her do any bad things. Don't let her turn out like me. Please. Keep her save."

I held her hand. "Your my best friend Crystal, I love you"

"I love you too..."

I heard a bunch of beeping as people rushed in as I just stood there.

Happy birthday Crystal....


Im DYING. I can't believe I let myself do this to her.


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