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I was wondering if I should play it or not. But I did. The voicemail went on and by her voice I knew it was my mother.

Im still here Ellie...

I rolled my eyes and went to bed. Trying not to think about it.


I put on my jacket and rushed out of the door. I left a note for Sonny saying I was going to the place me and Crystal use to go to get my mind off things.

I walked across the street and walked in. I planned on spending a couple of hours here to clear my head.


Its 1:30 and I felt the need to go home. I went across the street, walked around the block. I felt like Sonny was probably worried about me. I took out my phone and called him. Sonny answered but didn't speak.

"Hey Sonny sorry I was out so much I just- "

"Sonny...? Sonny Baker....?

"Uh Sonny.... "

I finally realized that this wasn't Sonny. I hung up and ran to the building. There were about 6 police cars and people were crowding around the building.

I pushed through the crowd and I felt as if everyone was screaming my name. I went up to a police officer who pushed me back a little. "Sorry Ma'am, no one is allowed in the building, it will only be about an hour."

I was to shocked to say anything. The police officer analized me and gasped. "Ms. Baker?"

I wasn't use to being called that. I guess police officers call people that. "Its Ellie Sonny in there?"

"Yes Ms. Baker, come inside."

I was shaking as we went to the elevator and walked towards our appartment door.

He opened it for me as I walked in and gasped. Sonny was on the sprawled out on the floor. I screamed and covered my eyes. "Is he dead....Oh my God Please"

"He was dead for a few seconds, but we brought him back... he overdoesed on a lot Ms. Baker."

I was pissed. "Well what are you doing to him? Get him off the floor. Get him to a hospitial!"

"We will Mrs. Baker, were all guessing this is a suicide attempt... "

I nodded. "For the second time...."

The police officer left me as I went in my room. It wasnt long until I was forced out of the building.

I took a deep breath and walked through the crowd as people were still screaming my name...


……its another dumb chapter. Sorry I wasn't updating.


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