A Good Father

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I gasped for air as she started to cut my throat a little. I kicked her again and grabbed my knife off the floor. I backed up towards the door. "What are you going to do Ellie? Run out and tell Sonny? "

I nodded.

"Ellie, it doesn't matter if you tell him or not. I'll always be here....watching like a mother should."

"Y- You need a hospital.... a mental hospital.... "

"Ellie get rid of the knife."


"Ellie, you should Listen to your mother and get rid of the knife. "

"Okay....okay I will..."

I lowered the knife and then threw it. It sliced her leg.

I ran out of the room and went in the elevator. I didn't hear any footsteps.

I got to the last floor and saw Sonny right in front of me about to go in the elevator.

"Ellie Oh my God what the hell happened?"

"Let's just get in the car.."

We went in the car and Sonny closed the door. "What happened Ellie?"

"Our mom was there and she faught me. I told her i hated her and she went all mental and attacked me."

Sonnys eyes widened. "Well what did she look like?"

I shrugged. "Like you."

Sonny nodded and then looked at my wrist and neck. "Oh my God Ellie, you must of put up a fight!"

I nodded as he looked at the cuts again. "Do you feel anything? Are you going to be okay?"

I shrugged. Sonny looked up and made a face. "Is that her?"

I looked you at one of the windows to see my mother Writing something. "Yea...it is"

"You beat her up badly....and she looks nothing like me."

"Yea she does. Father looked Nothing like you."

"I remember Father..."

"Me too. Do you miss him?"

Sonny shook his head.

"Do you?"

"A little..."

"Why...? He stabbed you... "

I shrugged again.

Sonny nodded and kept staring at mother.

The truth is....I miss father. He was my only father. And I killed him. I do feel bad. Very bad. Besides the killing....and before I was a jerk to him...he was a pretty good father.


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