Im Not Okay

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I tapped the glass on the glass table as Sonny was talking to a lady about how to take care of Eleanor.

I hated the hospital so much.

I got up and walked out. I don't think anyone noticed. I sat outside the building and my eyes stared to tear up.

Sonny walked out and sat next to me.

"Ellie, I need to ask you something."


"And I know I ask this all the time. But now that Crystals dead I'm going to ask you one last time. Are you Okay?"

"You know what? No. Im not okay. I will never be okay. No matter what I do, not matter what happens, I will never be okay. The past will always come back to haunt me. And my life right now is hell. And so is yours. So I should be asking you the same question Sonny, are you okay?"

"I don't know..."

"Exactly, you don't even know if your okay. I know for a fact that im not okay."

"Well....what can I do to change the fact that your not okay..."

"Nothing. You can't do anything. Just keep on being the amazing brother you are....okay?"

Sonny still didn't seem satisfied.

"It seems as if your getting Skinner and Skinner every day."

I shook my head. But it was true. Im barley eating ever since my mom said she poisoned me....I don't really eat.



Sanity (Part two of Adopted)Where stories live. Discover now