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Sirah looked down at me but I just stared blankly at Eleanor. The only thing that was between us was a glass wall. I looked at the nurse who picked her up and took her out.

She didn't cry, or make any noise, but she wasn't asleep either.

Sirah looked confused as the baby was given to me. "So that's it....we just leave?"

The nurse nodded and walked away. Sirah still seemed unsatisfied. But we walked out anyways.


I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. Eleanor's crib was right next to me. Right next to the couch I should say, because im sleeping on the couch. We got the crib from Crystals apartment, along with some stuffed animals, a bottle, and a car seat that the hospital gave us, because we didn't have one to drive her home from the hospital.

I sighed. I checked on Eleanor at least forty times, but I checked again. I got up and walked out of the apartment. I took the elevator down and walked out of the building.

Honestly....I don't care if its midnight, I need to get my mind off of things. I guess I was thinking to much because the next thing I knew it I was on the floor, and my knuckles were bleeding.

"Oh my God I am so sorry"

A girl looked at me and helped me up, "Oh my God your bleeding....are you okay?"

"Uh...Yea, thanks"

As my vision came back into play, I realized it was Amber. "Amber?"

Her eyes widened, "Oh....Ellie?....uh Hi!"

Amber looked down for a couple of seconds, "I thought you were getting out in two Sonny "

Amber shook her head, "they let me out early."

I didn't believe her. "Well....okay, its just a little weird that your out the same time I am in the middle of the night...."

Amber nodded. She looked around. "Yea....I got to go Ellie "

She then jogged over to an ally.

Then I decided to do something that I would probably regret.

I followed her.


Sorry its boring.


Sanity (Part two of Adopted)Where stories live. Discover now