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Sonny took the phone out of my hands and put it on speaker.

"Sonny dear, put me off speaker please."


"Alright then. So Ellie,how is that poison working out for you?"

My jaw dropped as Sonny's did too.

"Excuse me? Poison? Thanks for telling me lady, because now im taking her to the hospital."

"Lady? Im your mother."

"I Honestly don't give a crap who you are. Did you seriously poison her?"

"Sonny, why would I poison my daughter?"

"You brought it up lady, you did poison her didn't you. Im calling the cops on you and bringing Ellie to the hospital."

"What are they going to do?"

To me everything was a huge blur. Sonnys voice was all muffled. I managed to get myself up out of bed and into the bathroom.

I knelt down and breathed slowly. I started to cough as my head moved around violently. Was this the poison? Or was my mom just trying to scare me...?

I wiped my lip as I saw blood on my hand. I turned around and saw splatters of blood on the wall. Right where I coughed.

I coughed into my hand as blood splattered all over my hand.

I screamed and Sonny ran in the bathroom and dropped the phone. I fell to my knees, I didn't know what else to do. I wasn't going to pass out, im wide awake. I just feel weak.

I looked at Sonny in panic as Sonny froze. I felt much better once I got out the blood.

Sonny still looked shocked as I struggled to stand. Sonnys eyes widened as he ran over and picked me up and put me in his bed. "Im so sorry Ellie, I just froze, I just, I don't know im so sorry....I don't know what to do right now Ellie....are you okay?"

I looked at him blankly. "Im fine. I guess."

Sonny shook his head. "You don't seem okay." Sonny rushed to get the phone that he dropped and came back.

"Haha, you two are so funny. I didn't give her enough to die,but I gave her just enough for her to suffer."




Sanity (Part two of Adopted)Where stories live. Discover now