The End?

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I kept tossing and turning on the couch. I couldn't go to sleep. I don't know if I forgive Sonny or not. I can't believe he killed Crystal and her mother....for me.

I checked on Eleanor who stared at me blankly. She kind of looks like me, she has my bright green eyes....

I really like this kid, and im not losing her.


I've been waiting for an hour now and Sirah still didn't come out with Sonny. I was waiting in the car with Eleanor, she was finally sleeping.

I finally saw them come out. Sirah jumped in the car as Sonny came in. "Alright so....this is it? Im driving you guys to the building and your taking Ellie and Eleanor?"

Sonny hesitated, "Uh, Yea....that's exactly what were doing."

I took out a pen from my back pocket and started to write on my arm.

Im sorry for asking this, I just need to know, I don't know why, how did you kill Crystal?

Sonny read it and took the pen and started Writing on my arm. It took up my whole arm.

You deserve to know, she's your sister. Our mother gave me pills and said to give all ten of them to her. But I gave her half, I thought it would only kill her and not the baby.

I took the pen and wrote on his arm.

You were suppose to kill Eleanor? And how did you give the pills to her?

Sonny took a deep breath and took the pen.

Before we were in the waiting room I took the pills that she was suppose to take out of the bottle and put the other ones in

I nodded and kept my mouth shut the whole way there.


I washed the Writing off my arm in the bathroom. It was around nine I think but I wasn't sure. We've been home for some time now its just that I was to tired to think about anything.

I sat down to just think things through a bit. I can't believe this is happening. Can I trust my brother still?

I heard something getting dragged. It was probably Sonny moving things to make space for Eleanor.

I sighed and tried to open the door. It wouldn't open. I made sure the lock was unlocked....and it was....

I tried again and it wouldn't move. What the hell?

All the sudden I heard something shatter. I kicked the door and it wouldnt move.

I kept kicking the door and I started to get upset.

I heard Eleanor crying and I think I knew what was happening. I ran into the door and the door broke as I smashed my whole body on a shelf that was blocking the door.

I looked around the room to find Sonny with a knife held up against this throat, Amber was the one holding the knife.

I turned around and expected mother with a knife held against my back, but no.

I turned around to find mother holding a knife up to Eleanors head.


Third book is called Revenge.


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