R.I.P., Tanjirou's Long Hair

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after i'm done w this chapter, im definitely gonna play it


also, you guys are lucky i didn't go to school today, so you'll get an earlier chapter than usual

(edited as of 4/18/23)

Warning : Swearing


As you and Tanjirou both stood a great distance from Sabito, snow drifted across your vision from the pale grey sky. You deeply swallowed, clutching your sword firmly.

You then observed Sabito unsheathing a pure steel sword, making your heart skip a beat. You widened your eyes, your jaw dropping a bit, 'Wait, what!? Has it already been six months since Tanjirou joined my training - and nine months since I started mine??'

You mentally panicked, 'Oh, fuck no! I'm not ready for the storyline to start! No thanks! Hard pass!' You then paused, 'Oh shit wait, that means.. Nezuko would wake up soon. I'll finally get to meet her, fuck yeah!'

You then slightly frowned, thinking of saying farewell to both Sabito and Makomo. You had gotten somewhat close to them within the last nine months - it was going to suck seeing them fade away.

You shook your head vigorously, getting your mind out of the gutter. You focused your attention back on Sabito, who held his sword in front of him, "You finally have the looks of true men. Took you quite a long time."

A cocky smirk grew on your face, "That's what I'm talking about! I told you I was the manliest man out there, didn't I!" Tanjirou let a small chuckle escape his lips, before his gaze hardened with determination, "Today is the day that we'll win!"

You looked to the sidelines, locking eyes with Makomo, who merely stood still with a soft smile evident on her features. You smiled back, looking forwards once more, 'Head on battles are simple.. I think? It's about whoever's faster and stronger.. I believe..'

You took a deep breath, initiating Total Concentration Breathing. Despite the feeling of nervous butterflies in your stomach, you forced yourself to dash forwards alongside Tanjirou.

A mere dust cloud was left behind in your place as you and Tanjirou slashed your swords at his mask. You swung horizontally, while Tanjirou swung vertically.

The battle ended in an instant.

On this day, in this moment, for the first time, both of your blades had reached Sabito first.

The distinct clatter of Sabito's mask falling down to his shoulders rung within your ears. You released a small gasp, tears of happiness pricking your eyes.

You locked eyes with the salmon haired boy, his navy blue ones creasing as he smiled. You smiled back, still in disbelief, "Holy— We just—"

He presented a bittersweet and relieved smile towards the two of you, "Looks like you finally beat me, after all this time."

As soon as you were about to answer, Makomo's gentle voice cut through the atmosphere, "Tanjirou, (Y/N), you did amazing. Don't forget what you both just did.. okay?"

You turned to face the petite girl as she continued, "Win.. okay? Tanjirou, (Y/N).. make sure you win. Beat that man, too. I'm sure you can do it."

You simply watched as she and Sabito slowly began to fade, and as bittersweet tears fell from your eyes, you called out to them, "Thank you—! Thank you for everything!"

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