Another Day, Another Blackmail

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thank u all SOSOSOOOO MUCH for almost 2k votes and 38k reads !!

i love each and every one of u sm :)<3

i always look forwards to seeing ur reactions for each chapter, and it gives me a lot more
motivation to write these !!

WARNING : Swearing


At the Kyougoku House, Zenitsu was stranded all by himself. At first, he saw to it as a good thing, not having to deal with any of his companions outbursts.

But he soon learned very quickly that it was pretty miserable performing the infiltration by himself, especially when he was paranoid.

The yellow haired boy trudged through the house with a somewhat glum look plastered onto his face, while he mumbled to himself, "I somehow lost sight of the mission.."

He deadpanned, "I was supposed to look for Uzui's wife, Hinatsuru. But what was I supposed to do? Not play the shamisen and the koto, especially when I'm super good at playing them?"

He passed by random people in the hallways, still muttering to himself, which made him gain judgmental stares, "But like, what now?" He lightly sighed, "I miss (Y/N)-chan and Nezuko-chan.."

He then cupped his ears, "I've been listening this whole time, but I've heard nothing about Hinatsuru. I've only heard about a madam dying a few days ago or something, so now everyone's gloomy and not talking.."

He closed his eyes, focusing on his surroundings, then begun to listen.

"Take that!"

"I'm so hungry.."

"My ribbon isn't here! Where is it?!"

"Hurry up!"

"Hic..! Hic! Sniff..!"

He instantly opened his eyes upon hearing the sound of crying. His features hardened in determination, before he begun to walk down the halls in search of the source, "A girl is crying! That's a big problem."

Soon enough, he peeked his head into the room where the crying was coming from, and was instantly shocked. The room was a mess, with things thrown every which way. In the midst of it, was a young girl with tangled hair, who was crying into her hands.

Zenitsu began to yell, "WHA.. WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS ROOM?! IT'S ALL MESSED UP!!" The girl sharply turned her head towards Zenitsu, revealing multiple bruises and a small red mark underneath her mouth.

Zenitsu panicked, "UH—! A F- A FIGHT!! DID YOU FIGHT!? ARE YOU OKAY!?" The girl went back to crying in her hands, making Zenitsu panic even more, "WAH! SORRY!! I'M SO SORRY!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO GET MA.. MAD AT YOU!! SORRY!"

He placed a hand on her back, "If you're worried about something-" He then stiffened.

His eyes slowly widened as he began to sweat bullets. A deadly aura came from behind him, and if he wasn't mistaken.. "What're you doing in someone else's room?" was the sound of a demon.

He gulped.

His hands began to tremble as he slowly withdrew them from the young girls back. The demon glared at Zenitsu's back, "Hey. Are you deaf over there? What, do you speak English like the other peasant girl?"

Two young girls crept into the room, "W-Warabihime-Oiran.. That's the girl who came in yesterday or the day before so.." Warabihime glared at the girls, making them cower, "Huh? So what of it?"

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