Hips Don't Lie!

848 45 74

okay waiiittt three days in a row😜😜

anyways i just found out my card info got stolen from some place in ohio

it was all those shein orders prob 😔😔

WARNING : Swearing, Gore, Blood, Violence


You spared a side glance with Muichiro, unable to fight back the shudder that ran up your spine. You seriously couldn't help it—Gyokko was just.. far too gross.

Not only that, but he shared the same putrid, fishy smell as his fishlike creations. It threw you in for a loop.

Processing his words with a blink, you quickly blurted, "Yes."

Gyokko released a slight choking sound—caught off by your honesty and nonchalance.

"Actually, yeah.. we really do mind," You grated out, your battle stance faltering once more.

"I don't give a fuck!" Gyokko immediately retaliated, his head reeling as he shook with anger. "Let me finish, already!!"

Muichiro shrugged, "Honestly, she's right for once. We really don't want to hear you—"

"I'm going to show the four of you my creations from tonight!!" Gyokko shouted angrily, his hands swinging up and down on either side of his body.

Muichiro quirked a skeptical brow—though his stoic, monotonous tone remained. "Creations..? What the hell are you going on about?"

With a clap of his rows of hands, Gyokko summoned a bland, grey vase—just before an organism spewed out from the top.

"Here's the first one," Gyokko exclaimed, laughing sadistically, "I call this: Death Throes of the Smiths!"

Your heart dropped at the monstrosity that laid before you—multiple corpses of swordsmiths throughout the village, their broken, bloody limbs and decapitated heads sewed into one another.

The strong, unwavering scent of blood that burst forth into the air made you sick to your stomach.

The twist? Their necks were impaled with swords; creations of their own. The roles had been reversed: a demon had used a nichirin sword to kill the swordsmiths.

Behind you, Kanamori and Kotetsu released terrified gasps; Kotetsu broke down into a sob shortly after.

Your sarcasm had quickly been replaced with boiling fury—it slowly set its course through your veins as your expression hardened.

"Look first at their hands!" Gyokko mused, "Dirty hands with thick calluses like swordsmiths get! I put them in the front on purpose—pretty symbolic, hyo!"

"Lord Kongoji.. Tetsuo.. Kanaike.. Kotaro..!" Kanamori breathlessly winced, his figure quivering as he recognized the familiar corpses.

"T-Tetsuhiro..!!" Kotetsu cried, his demeanor in shambles. You couldn't help but sympathize for the poor boy—he was so young, yet witnessed such a gruesome sight.

Gyokko slivered from side to side, clapping enthusiastically, "Right!! You get it!! I've made lavish and detailed use of these useless swordsmiths!"

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