Chapter 217 - Endless Influence

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« Lisa call Mother and Father. Tell them to be careful I think the true target of the person behind Xiaolan is the Manoban Conglomerate." Jennie blurted after she analyzed every possible scenario.

After thinking about the latest events, Jennie concluded that the true goal of the person behind this is to distract them internally so they won't be able to focus on the external things. Example the Manoban Conglomerate abroad.

The Manoabn Conglomerate is an oil company who is based abroad. Therefore most of its branches and mines were also abroad. Thinking about all the random things that had been happening, Jennie can clearly say that their attention were diverted. Their focus was only to what was happening in this country inside Lisa's family.

They took their time dealing with a troublesome enemy. They did not even consider the things happening outside of the Manoban Family including the family business. This must be the masterminds goal.. Divide their attention so they can focus on the wrong things.

Jennie already concluded this before, but that was before Xiaolan warned her about who her true enemy was.

The good thing is that they decided to divide their attention. Lisa and Jennie will focus on the internal trouble within the Manoban Family while Marco Manoban and Zhao Chittip will focus on the things happening abroad.

Jennie did not wait for Lisa's answer as she immediately bolted towards Old Man Manoban's house. She wanted to confirm her theory by talking to the old man.

"Grandfather, can you tell me what had been happening abroad since this whole fiasco started?" she asked the moment she finished explaining her conclusion to the old man. Lisa and Wang Mino stood beside Jennie as they followed her to the residence of Old Man Manoabn.

Seeing Jennie's sincere expression, the old man did not hesitate to explain.

"The Manoban Conglomerate had been around for centuries." Old Man Manoban started. "We have a lot of enemies both abroad and here. I would not wonder if the true purpose of this person is our company."

"Our Company is on top of the worldwide market not because of our kindness. In fact, it was because of our ruthlessness. We have contributed to a lot of deaths and scandals over the past couple of years. All of which had been solved using money."

Jennie's interest perked as she listened to Old Man Manoban.

"FC Oils had been running for centuries using bones and secrets as its foundation." the old man said. "It was not really a surprise to know that someone wanted us out of the market. But, it won't be so easy to take down an empire that had been built for centuries."

"The newest problems that we have, involves some environmental groups randomly attacking some of our branches and offshore mines abroad. Marco and Chittip are already working on it. So you don't have to worry. This is not the first time that this had to happen to some of our branches, the only difference is they seem to be so organized this time."

"Why is this not in the news?" Lisa asked.

"We need to keep it quiet for now. I don't want to alarm our investors and affect some of our ventures abroad."

"How about mother and father?"

"They can handle themselves. Don't worry about them. For now, you do everything to find Xiaolan."

"Understood, Grandfather » Lisa and Jennie nodded before they said goodbye to Old Man Manoban.

The duo then went back to Lisa's room to discuss some things about Zhang Liyin's death.

After concluding that someone indeed killed her, the trio again slipped into a dead end. Everything from the mastermind behind Xiaolan's schemes to the attack on the Manoabn Conglomerate was so unclear, that they often fell into silence while thinking about all possible scenarios.

At one point, Jennie was thinking that it might be someone that the Manoabn Family offended. Maybe someone powerful who wanted to cause trouble for them. However, she immediately avoided the idea.

Then she thought it might have been someone who wanted to completely destroy the Manoabn Conglomerate. Still, she ended up in a dead end.

That is until Lisa received a call from the right-hand man of his father.

Lisa's face instantly paled when he heard the news of another hit on one of their branches. However, this time his mother was injured and his father lost consciousness.

the couple immediately decided to go abroad to take care of the whole situation. Of course, Jennie did a lot of research about the Mnaoban Conglomerate including their past scandals and issues.

Her research also includes all the secrets that the Manoabn Conglomerate was keeping behind their closets. Both Lisa and Old Man Manoban agreed to have her look into some of their top secret files, for her to understand the things that she and Lisa is going to deal with in the future.

"Whoa. I actually didn't thought that your family will have this kind of influence in and outside of the black market." She thought out loud while reading the files on her laptop and some papers in her hands.

In response, Lisa just nodded silently. His family had been around for centuries not because of their money alone but their endless influence- both legal and illegal.

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