Chapter 264 - Box

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Wu Minxia gritted her teeth as she watched Jennie, who was looking at her intently. Was she really unaware of why Wu Minxia hated her?

"I hate you! You took away everything from me! Lisa should have been mine! Wu Conglomerate should have been mine! Wang Empire should have been mine! Everything that you have now should have been mine!" she raged. "You are a thief! You stole everything away from me!"

Jennie looked at the enraged Wu Minxia with disbelief apparent in her eyes. She? A thief? What was wrong with this woman?

"I'm not sure if you are in denial or just plain crazy, but I want you to tell me everything that you know about Nancy and the person backing her."

"Why should I tell you? I'm not going to talk! You can kill me if you want!"

"I'm not asking you, Wu Minxia, I'm telling you what I want. You should know that I have the means to get what I want," Jennie said, her eyes narrowed. "How about I tell you how your crazy aunt died?"

Wu Minxia paled at Jennie's words. So it's true. Her aunt had indeed died by Jennie's hands.. Her words were just another confirmation of her ruthlessness, just like what Nancy had told her.

"Why do you want to tell me that? Are you planning to kill me as well?" she asked.

"Not yet. I already told you... I won't kill someone who hasn't hurt me," she answered. "But that doesn't mean that I won't hurt you."

"You are crazy! How can Lisa like you? Does he know you are like this? Did you threaten him to be with you?"

"You..." Jennie's words were suddenly interrupted when the door of the basement opened, revealing Bei Ye.

"Young Miss, someone by the name of Jia Yan is asking to see you," he told her, his voice just loud enough for the two of them to hear.

"I don't know him," Jennie said, puzzled as to why Lisa would let someone disturb her.

"He was the one at the restaurant with Fan Linwen," Bei Ye reminded.

"Tell him I don't remember him," she answered. She really didn't know the guy. She had only seen him once during the altercation at the restaurant.

"Young Miss, he said... it's about your mother." Bei Ye's words instantly caught Jennie's attention. Her mother? Could it be another secret?

Just the thought of another secret instantly made Jennie's mood complicated. She started feeling like she hadn't really known her mother at all.

"Give me five minutes," she said, before turning her attention back to Wu Minxia.

After making sure that Bei Ye had already left, she continued, "I will give you thirty minutes to think about it. Tell me what you know or else... you won't see your father ever again."

"What did you do to my father? What have you done?!" Wu Minxia said, her eyes bulging. Did Jennie kill her father?

"Think about it, Wu Minxia. You only have thirty minutes," Jennie said before giving some instructions to the people who were watching over the basement.

Then, she then went to the living room of the villa to see Jia Yan. After a few steps, Jennie arrived at the large living room. She immediately fixed her gaze towards the young man sitting across from Lisa.

Jia Yan still had the same features, however, it was obvious that he was very nervous. 'It might be Lisa's gaze,' she thought.

"Why are you here?" she asked directly, as she took a seat next to her husband.

Surprisingly, Jia Yan's demeanor seemed to change the moment he laid his eyes on Jennie. "Is that how you greet an old friend?"

"I don't know you."

"I am Jia Yan, we meet at the restaurant with umm... we met with... let's just leave the past in past, alright?"

"I don't remember," Jennie's answer almost made Jia Yan cough his lungs out. She didn't remember? How come this woman was so hard to talk to?

"So why are you here?" she asked.

"Ehem... I... I am here to give you something," Jia Yan said, as his hands picked up a small box. "This... came from my father. He saw you on the news these past few days and insisted on having me give this to you..." he said before handing the box over to Jennie.

"You said it's about my mother?" She asked, after taking the box.

"Yes, he said... he said everything is there," he answered, lowering his gaze.

"Where is he now?" Lisa asked.

Jia Yan let out a sigh before he answered, "He died this morning. I believe someone killed him."

The couple frowned at Jia Yan's words. However, Jennie was the first one to recover as she opened the box silently.

The box was made of mahogany, with simple carvings on top of its cover. It was simple, yet elegant.

Jennie took out a piece of folded paper as she continued checking the box. There were two things inside the box aside from the piece of paper: a small photo album and some sort of device, which she guessed was a voice recorder.

"He gave this to me yesterday when he saw your face on the news. Then... around midnight he went out to see a friend... He... died from a car accident," Jia Yan said.

"You said he was killed?" Lisa said.

In response, Jia Yan nodded. "My father did not drink. He was allergic to alcohol. Yet, the doctor found out that he had been drunk while driving."

"I believe he was killed because of this box," Jia Yan blurted out, making both Jennie and Lisa stare at him.

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