Chapter 268 - Time Bomb

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Nancy drank another mouthful of water as she silently looked at Li Qiang. The latter was pacing, his head lowered, hands behind his back. After their failure, Li Qiang had been very agitated, his seemingly short temperament appeared to have become a ticking time bomb with the ability to explode anytime.

she continued to watch Li Qiang before she lowered her head. If worse comes to worst, she had already planned on killing Wang Ruo to get back at Jennie.

"I recommend we leak some evidence that will point towards Jennie being my mother's murderer." Nancy interrupted Li Qiang's thoughts.

"That's exactly what I had been thinking but... I want to make sure we do this properly this time. There should be no more lapses, no hole that they could take advantage of.."

"She killed my mother, you think she could bend the truth?" she asked, sometimes, she really does not understand Li Qiang's way of thinking. He seemed to hate Jennie so much yet there are also times when he would do this- hesitate as if he is afraid someone would found out his actions towards Jennie.

For her, Li Qiang's actions does not make any sense. Is he afraid that Wang Ruo would know his evil actions towards her daughter? But Wang Ruo has amnesia. How would she feel sad for a daughter that she doesn't even know?

"Jennie is cunning. We cannot underestimate her."

she just nodded at Li Qiang's words. She already made up her mind. After this, she will leak some information to the media about her mother's death as well as Kai and Wu Ziliang's disappearance.

Nancy is already at the point where revenge is the only thing that she could think of. For her, Jennie's existence is akin to a sword, slowly slicing her heart piece by piece. She cannot continue watching Jennie be happy and not take responsibilities of her previous actions anymore.

"Wang Ruo said that she wanted to stay with me," she said.

"I know... I can't have her leave my side. I already found a reason so she could not go out of this island."

"Hmmm... " she nodded, if Wang Ruo will stay inside this island, then Nancy would not have the opportunity to kill her. No. She needed Wang Ruo out of this island. "What are you afraid of? She does not remember Jennie? What could she do to me?"

Li Qiang scoffed at her words. What could Wang Ruo do to Nancy? Good question... Li Qiang already confirmed that Wang Ruo indeed had amnesia. However, everyone can always make the snake believe that it is a bunny. Yet at the end of the day, it will still bite you like a snake if you agitate it. A snake is a snake no matter how you convince it that it is a bunny.

"Can... can you at least give her a chance? Maybe just a day out of this island? We can just go somewhere just mother and daughter. You can even come with us. or have someone follow us." she said. That's right, Wang Ruo needed to go out of this island so she could have the opportunity to kill her. Then she would run... Run away from Li Qiang, away from Jennie... away from everyone.

She would not care if Li Qiang will chase her or capture her. She would not even care if he will kill her. The most important thing is her revenge. She would let Jennie watched as Wang Ruo treat nancy as her daughter, then slowly stab her in the back. nancy would let Wang Ruo bleed in front of Jennie. She would watch Jennie as she twisted the blade into Wang Ruo's body.

Just the thought of it is making her happy, excited, satisfied. That's right! This is the only path that she could take to have her revenge. A mother for a mother.

It is justice.

It is only fair.

Meanwhile, Jennie was just staring at the folded paper in her hands as the recording keeps on replaying in his mind.

Do Not Trust Anyone.

She gritted her teeth and close her eyes.

What was the warning for? She could not just jump into conclusions because of some message from someone that she doesn't even know until now.

What if someone is trying to trick her into doubting her associates. Could it be Li Qiang?

Just the thought of Li Qiang is making Jennie more agitated. Just what was his connection to her mother?

"Hey, you should have some rest." Lisa's voice gently woke her up from her stupor. "Stop worrying too much. It's not good for your health," he said as he kissed her temple.

For some reason, his words made her feel a little lighter. As if it was an assurance, a reminder that no matter what happen he would always be there for her.

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