Chapter 262 - Unexpected

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Wu Minxia and Nancy instantly paled, as they watched Jennie approach them: especially Nancy.

She was alive? But Li Qiang had told her that she was dead.

How came she was here? She had already assumed that Jennie died from the fire. She had even made some plans on how to seduce Lisa, using Wu Minxia.

"What? You look like you saw a ghost!" Jennie said. She was now less than ten feet away from the duo. "Did you think I would die from the fire? Did you think you could have ruined me with your cheap tricks?"

"Who... Who are you?" Wu Minxia blurted. "Why.... Why do you look like me?"

"And you really have the guts to ask? Shall I call you 'impostor Jennie'? Or Wu Minxia?" Jennie asked while gritting her teeth. In her previous life, Lu CL and Nancy had used the same tactics on the media. Telling everyone that Nancy would marry Kai, as compensation.

Compensation my *ss! Jennie fumed inwardly. How dare this duo use the same thing in this life? Did they think she was stupid? Or were they so confident that their plan would work?

"And you!" Jennie looked at the reporters in front of her. "That woman is clearly not me! You just wait for my lawyers to deal with you!"

« Kim... Jennie Kim?" Nancy said tremblingly, as she looked at the impostor Wu Minxia next to her, her eyes full of disbelief. "Then... who... who are you?" She clearly knew that Jennie was very hard to deal with. However, she had already been prepared for a situation like this.

Nancy had already decided to let Wu Minxia take all the blame and get away without any scratches.

"Who are you?" she asked again when she saw Wu Minxia's shocked gaze towards her. Wu Minxia must have been too shocked to even speak. She was not stupid after all. Wu Minxia had already understood what Nancy was trying to do. Was she leaving her alone to fend for herself now, when Jennie was alive?

Did Nancy really think she was so stupid to not have anything against her? Wu Minxia smirked inwardly. She remembered how she had heard Nancy talking with someone over the phone about Jennie's mother being still alive.

Did she think that she would not use that information against her, once she did something stupid?

Meanwhile, everyone at the venue was almost speechless. They were in awe. This show was something really unexpected.

Now, that they were watching two Jennie next to each other, they could definitely tell that something was wrong with the other one. Jennie, who made a grand entrance with her bodyguards was obviously taller, more confident, than the impostor.

The fact that Jennie arrived with all of the Manoban Family's bodyguard was already enough to convince everyone that she was the real Jennie Kim.

Now that everyone thought about it, they really did jump into conclusion instantly without even wondering why Jennie suddenly changed overnight and became someone so low like the impostor.

"You... You are an impostor! Why do you look like me, huh? Someone call the police! Have this woman arrested!" Wu Minxia raged again.

"Stupid woman." Jennie rolled her eyes, as she looked at Wu Minxia, then she shifted her gaze to Nancy.

"You just showed everyone how shameless you are... do you think everyone is as stupid as you? You think people will not see through your shallow plans?" she asked Nancy.

"What are you saying? This woman has tricked me... she.. she said she wanted to apologize for what she has done before... I thought... I thought it was you." Nancy answered.

At her words, Jennie looked at the people from the media. "I have not involved myself in any scandal, or anything that will possibly ruin my and my fiance's reputation. As much as I don't care about your opinions, I also want you to know that my fiance is aware of this matter, and both of us will take legal actions towards Wu Minxia and Kim Nancy for their slanderous claims. Aside from this, I would like to let everyone know that we will not take any bullsh*t from anyone, who is involved in this scheme. Including the people, who have wanted to oust me out of my own company."

"Also, I hereby declare that no one from Wang Empire and Manoban Conglomerate will support any advertisements, or films starring Nancy Kim. We will not associate ourselves with the companies which supports her in any way, including people from our own industry and the media." she said, then she stared at Wu Minxia, "As for you? You are coming with me!" she said before her bodyguards grabbed Wu Minxia.

The latter tried to overpower the men, however, one of them whispered some words into her ear, instantly making her still. She then glared at Nancy , then at Jennie before letting the men take her without any further fuss.

However, at this point, Wu Minxia also vowed to tell Jennie everything that she knew to ruin Nancy. After all, it would be unfair if only Wu Minxia suffered when she and Nancy painstakingly had made these plans together, to ruin Jennie.

Wu Minxia couldn't help but wonder, what would be Jennie's actions, once she knew that her mother was alive and was currently treating Nancy as her own daughter. Just the thought of seeing Jennie broke down, was already making her inwardly jump with joy.

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